The following is a telegram bot using Synology Api library to allow you to interact to your NAS via Telegram
It requires Python >= 3
It is assumed you know how Telegram and Telegram Bots work, most importantly how to make a new bot with BotFather
there is plenty guides on the web
This bot is NOT a finished product therefore I cannot guarantee it will work all the times or properly.
Use it at your discretion and do not blame or sue me!
It is also considered that if you are here and want to run a bot you know a bit of Python or coding.
Do not open Issues before doing your research (GoogleIt), write me for any concerns.
It still requires work and fine-tuning, like messages and other useless console print.
It takes time to work on project like this bla bla bla Just if you think this code is fun or useful, please cosider to buy me a coffe
- Paypal:
- clone/download this repo
- cd synology-api-telegram-bot
- run
py install
orpython install
orpip install git+
Edit and add your bot TOKEN
bot = Bot(token='YOUR BOT TOKEN HERE')
from terminal cd repo folder and run:
or python
once start polling you will be able to use your bot in telegram
- Download repo
pip install -r requirements.txt
- cd to repo folder
- run
After /start
command, a new file 'conf' is created and will store your data permanently unless you cancel the file,
you will find yourself in front of a keyboard, once all of your Synology data is entered
you can click on Finish Configuration
to proceed to the modules keyboard.
NOTE: if you click on Finish Configuration
prior setting data, it allows you to explore modules and functions,
but you will not be able to log in.
You are now on the module keyboard, you can go back to Configuration or click on a module.
Once a module is selected you will be in front of functions keyboard,
Prior to click on any function you will need to log in by clicking login
It is required to log in before any further function action, or it will not reply to the message.
If you want to change module by clicking Back o Modules
the sesssion will log out automatically.
- Sometimes while setting configuration data might happen that the code adds an extra characters at the end of the configuration dictionary, I still have to figure out why but if you get no answer while sending config values consider to check your 'conf' file.
- Not sure why doesn't allow me to run it with local net ip_address, some issue with certificate verification from request library, still working on it
- You will see some unused functions in genera_functions, is for testing and will be removed later, don't stress yourself with those.
- If the Bot does not respond or seems blocked investigate into your console error output.
- Many other that I still have to discover, fell free to open issues when you find.