HuntOmics Explorer is an R Shiny application developed for the comprehensive molecular analysis of Huntington's Disease (HD). It is specifically designed to analyze and visualize data from the study titled "mRNA-Seq Expression profiling of human post-mortem BA9 brain tissue for Huntington’s Disease and neurologically normal individuals" (GSE64810).
The application offers the following functionalities:
Sample Information Exploration: Provides an overview of sample metadata, including summary statistics and visualizations.
Counts Matrix Exploration: Allows users to explore gene expression counts, visualize scatter plots, clustered heatmaps, and perform Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
Differential Expression Analysis: Enables identification of differentially expressed genes between HD and control samples, with visualization options.
Gene Set Enrichment Analysis: Assists in identifying enriched pathways and biological processes associated with HD.
To run HuntOmics Explorer locally, follow these steps:
Clone the Repository:
git clone
Navigate to the Directory:
cd HuntOmics-Explorer
Install Required Packages:
Ensure you have R and RStudio installed. Then, install the necessary packages.
Run the Application:
library(shiny) runApp("N3ha-Rao-App.R")
Upon launching the application, you will encounter several tabs, each designed for specific analyses:
Sample Information Exploration:
- Input: Upload the
file containing sample information. - Features:
- Displays a summary table of the metadata.
- Generates histograms for numeric variables.
- Input: Upload the
Counts Matrix Exploration:
- Input: Upload the
file containing gene expression counts. - Features:
- Provides a summary of the counts matrix.
- Offers scatter plots for user-selected genes.
- Displays clustered heatmaps of filtered counts.
- Performs PCA and visualizes the results.
- Input: Upload the
Differential Expression Analysis:
- Input: Upload the
file containing differential expression results. - Features:
- Displays a table of differentially expressed genes.
- Generates volcano plots to visualize gene expression changes.
- Input: Upload the
Gene Set Enrichment Analysis:
- Input: Uses differential expression results from the Differential Expression Analysis tab.
- Features:
- Identifies enriched Gene Ontology (GO) terms and pathways.
- Displays bar plots and dot plots of enriched terms.
Ensure that your input files (Metadata.csv
, Counts.csv
, and DE.csv
) are formatted correctly and correspond to the data from the GSE64810 study. The application expects specific column names and data structures as outlined in the N3ha-Rao-App.R
Special thanks to the authors of the GSE64810 study for providing the data utilized in this application.