The library contains three simple ciphers: rail-fence, rotating square and wizner cipher
- encode(String message, int key) - return encoded message with a cipher "Rail-Fence" with the specified key.
- decode(String message, int key) - return decoded message with a cipher "Rail-Fence" with the specified key.
- VigenerCipher() - default, RUSSIAN ALPHABET
- VigenerCipher(String aplhaber) - With the assignment the alphabet. The characters are written consecutively by a string. Example: "АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ"
- encode(String message, str keyword) - return encoded message with a Vigener cipher with the specified keyword.
- decode(String message, str keyword) - return decoded message with a Vigener cipher with the specified keyword.
- RotatingSquare() - default, used default key.
- RotatingSquare(int[][] key) - With the assignment the key, key - the array of "holes" in the square of the format [ [x,y], [x,y], ..]. Example: {{0,0}, {3,1}, {2,2}, {1,3}}
- encode(String message) - return encoded message with a cipher "Rotating Square".
- decode(String message) - return decoded message with a cipher "Rotating Square".