The best free web hosting panel with multi-node support and a powerful API MythicalWebPanel is currently in development by @SnyderWillCode & @NaysKutzu.
We are using vuexy as a frontend. You can change that!
I'm open to all contributions! Feel free to help! :)
Do you want to support our hard work?
You can join our support server:
Here you will find the stuff that we will have to add in our docs:
Use the following command to create a new user.
sudo adduser mythicalsystems
The sudo group allows users to run commands with administrative privileges.
sudo usermod -aG sudo mythicalsystems
The sudoers file is the configuration file for controlling sudo privileges. We'll use the visudo
command to safely edit it:
Inside the sudoers file, add the following line at the end of the file:
mythicalsystems ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL