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Developer Commands

Melissa Brennan edited this page Jun 20, 2018 · 1 revision

About the Command Format

Command Syntax: $command

{ parameter }
Shows mandatory parameters
Shows optional parameters
( parameter )
Shows aliases for the command

Owner Module

$addteammember {@user}
Add the user to the Development team.
$removeteammember {@user}
Remove the user from the Development team.
$editfooter {@user} {footer message}
Customise the footer message for the specified user.
$editiconurl {@user} {Author/Footer} {url}
Customise the author/footer icon for the specified user.
$botignore {@user}
Toggle if the bot ignores the specified user.
Resets the coins of all the users the bot keeps a record off.
Kills the process of the program.

Config Module

Returns the syntax with available commands.
$editconfig activity {activity type} {activity message} [activity]
Sets the playing message for the bot.
$editconfig status online
Alias: online: active, green
Sets the bot's status to online.
$editconfig status donotdisturb
Alias: donotdisturb: dnd, disturb, red
Sets the bot's status to do not disturb.
$editconfig status idle
Alias: idle: afk, yellow
Sets the bot's status to idle.
$editconfig status invisible
Alias: invisible: hidden, offline, grey
Sets the bot's status to invisible.
$editconfig toggleunknowncommand
Toggle the "Unknown Command" message when the bot doesn't recognise the command typed.
$editconfig leaderboardamount {value}
Set the amount of users that appear in the leader-boards.
$editconfig quoteprice {price}
Alias: changequoteprice, updatequoteprice
Updates the request quote price.
$editconfig prefixprice {price}
Alias: changeprefixprice, updateprefixprice
Updates the cost for a user to custom set a prefix.
$editconfig globallogchannel {channel mention}
Sets the channel for the log.
$editconfig rule34 {value}
Set the max gamble id for the rule 34 gamble game.
$editconfig minlengthforcoins
Set the required length of a message for a user to receive (a) coin(s).
Returns the syntax with available commands.
$editstring defaultwebsitename {name}
Sets the default name for the website.
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