subkt / myaa.subkt.tasks / Mux
open class Mux :
Task to mux a set of files into a single Matroska container using mkvmerge.
A predefined task instance can be accessed through Subs.mux.
mux {
title("My Show - 01")
from("video.mkv") {
tracks {
include(track.type == TrackType.VIDEO)
attachments {
from("audio.aac") {
tracks {
from("commentary.aac") {
tracks {
from("subtitles.ass") {
tracks {
chapters("chapters.txt") {
attach("fonts") {
includeExtensions("ttf", "otf")
out("My Show - 01.mkv")
Name | Summary |
Attachment | inner class Attachment : Filterable Represents an attachment present in a MuxFile. |
Chapter | inner class Chapter Represents a chapter file to mux, added using chaptersProperty. |
CompressionType | enum class CompressionType The type of compression to use, for use with Track.compression. |
Dimensions | data class Dimensions : Serializable Represents the dimensions of a track in pixels. |
MuxFile | inner class MuxFile Represents a file to mux, added using from. |
Track | inner class Track : Filterable Represents a single track read from the source file. |
TrackDuration | data class TrackDuration : Serializable Represents a duration for use with Track.defaultDuration. |
TrackType | enum class TrackType The type of a track, available through Track.TrackInfo.type. |
Name | Summary |
<init> | Mux() Task to mux a set of files into a single Matroska container using mkvmerge. |
Name | Summary |
attachmentsProperty | val attachmentsProperty: Provider < List < FileCollection >> The files to attach, added via attach. |
chaptersProperty | val chaptersProperty: Provider < Mux.Chapter > The chapters of the file, added via chapters. |
crc | var crc: String The CRC32 hash of the output file. Only available after the task has finished. |
defaultLanguage | val defaultLanguage: Property < String > The default language used for tracks which don't have a language specified. If not set, mkvmerge will default to und . |
deterministic | val deterministic: Property < Boolean > If true, a fixed value will be used as the RNG seed for generating UIDs, and mkvmerge will not write the current date and time to the output file. This means that for the same input files, flags and mkvmerge version, the output file will always be byte identical. Thus, even if you have to rerun tasks for whatever reason, you know that the same CRC32 will be generated unless the input files have changed. |
deterministicSeed | val deterministicSeed: Property < Long > The seed to use for --deterministic -- see deterministic. If not set, a hash based on the output filename will be used. |
filesProperty | val filesProperty: Provider < List < Mux.MuxFile >> The files to mux, added via from. |
forceCRC | val forceCRC: Property < String > Forces the CRC32 hash of the file to be equal to the set value. Must be a 8 character long hex string, containing only digits and letters in the range A-F. |
globalOptions | val globalOptions: ListProperty < String > Any additional global mkvmerge options you wish to include. |
info | var info: MutableMap < String , Any > Information about the output file as returned by mkvinfo -J . See the mkvmerge identification output schema. Additionally, the map contains the keys video_tracks , audio_tracks and subtitles_tracks which are lists of tracks of the respective types. |
inputFiles | val inputFiles: FileCollection All files added via from, attach or chapters. |
mimeTypes | val mimeTypes: MutableMap < String , String > Overrides the MIME types autodetected by mkvmerge for files attached via attach, on a file extension basis. E.g. to force all files ending with .txt to have MIME type text/html , you can run: |
mkvmerge | val mkvmerge: Property < String > Path to the mkvmerge command. Defaults to mkvmerge, and assumes the command is present in your PATH. |
onFaux | val onFaux: Property < ErrorMode > If verifyFonts is true, controls what to do if an instance of faux bold or faux italic is encountered. Defaults to ErrorMode.WARN. |
onMissingFonts | val onMissingFonts: Property < ErrorMode > If verifyFonts is true, controls what to do if a missing font is encountered. Defaults to ErrorMode.FAIL. |
onMissingGlyphs | val onMissingGlyphs: Property < ErrorMode > If verifyFonts is true, controls what to do if missing glyphs are encountered. Defaults to ErrorMode.FAIL. |
onStyleMismatch | val onStyleMismatch: Property < ErrorMode > If verifyFonts is true, controls what to do if the matched font differs from the requested style (e.g. non-italic was requested, but only italic found). Defaults to ErrorMode.WARN. |
out | val out: ConfigurableFileCollection The location to save the MKV file. Defaults to an automatically generated file in the build directory. |
outFile | val outFile: Provider < File > Read-only alias of out. |
skipUnusedFonts | val skipUnusedFonts: Property < Boolean > If true, will not attach any font files that are not used in any of the attached subtitle tracks. Defaults to false. |
title | val title: Property < String > The title of the file. Will generally show up in e.g. the window title of the video player. |
verifyCRC | val verifyCRC: Property < Boolean > If true, will verify the CRC of input files that have a CRC specified in square brackets, e.g. premux [DEADBEEF].mkv . Defaults to true. |
verifyFonts | val verifyFonts: Property < Boolean > If true, will warn about font issues in included subtitle tracks. You can configure the error reporting using onFaux, onStyleMismatch, onMissingGlyphs and onMissingFonts. Defaults to true. |
webm | val webm: Property < Boolean > Whether to output a WebM compliant file. Defaults to false. |
Name | Summary |
propertyFile | val propertyFile: File |
Name | Summary |
attach | fun attach(vararg dirs: Any , action: ConfigurableFileTree .() -> Unit = {}): Provider < List < ConfigurableFileTree >> Attach one or more files to the output file. |
chapters | fun chapters(file: Any , action: Mux.Chapter .() -> Unit = {}): Provider < Mux.Chapter > Adds a chapter file. |
from | fun from(vararg files: Any , action: Mux.MuxFile .() -> Unit = {}): Provider < List < Mux.MuxFile >> Adds files to mux. |
run | open fun run(): Unit |
Name | Summary |
doTask | fun doTask(): Unit |
Name | Summary |
batch | val Task .batch: String The same as entry if this is a batch task; error otherwise. |
currentTask | val Task .currentTask: String The name of this task. |
entry | val Task .entry: String The entry (batch or episode) this task corresponds to. |
episode | val Task .episode: String The same as entry if this is an episode task; error otherwise. |
episodes | val Task .episodes: List < String > The episodes this task corresponds to. A single-item list containing episode if this is an episode task; a list of the episodes for the batch given by batch otherwise. |
isBatch | val Task .isBatch: Boolean True if this task is a batch task. |
release | val Task .release: String The release this task was generated for. |
taskGroup | val <T : Task > T .taskGroup: TaskGroup < T > The TaskGroup instance this task belongs to. |
Name | Summary |
defaultProperty | fun <T> Task .defaultProperty(default: T ): Property < T > Returns a Property with a default value set. |
evaluate | fun Task .evaluate(expression: String ): Provider < List < String >!>! Evaluates a string using Velocity, splits it on ` |
evaluateTemplate | fun Task .evaluateTemplate(expression: String ): Provider < String !>! Like evaluate but only processes the template syntax, without globbing. |
get | fun Task .get(propertyName: String ): Provider < String !>! Searches for the given property in the Subs object's SubProperties instance, evaluates its value using evaluate, and returns a single string, assuming that the resulting list contains only one element. |
getAs | fun <T> Task .getAs(propertyName: String ): Provider < T >! Searches for the given property in the Subs object's SubProperties instance, evaluates its value using evaluate, and returns a single string, cast to the given type using String.asType, assuming that the resulting list contains only one element. |
getFile | fun Task .getFile(filename: String ): Provider < String !>! fun Task .getFile(filename: Provider < String >): Provider < String !>! Reads the specified file and processes it using Velocity. |
getList | fun Task .getList(propertyName: String ): Provider < List < String >> Searches for the given property in the Subs object's SubProperties instance, and evaluates its value using evaluate. |
getListAs | fun <T> Task .getListAs(propertyName: String ): Provider < List < T >!>! Searches for the given property in the Subs object's SubProperties instance, evaluates its value using evaluate, and casts the list elements to the given type using String.asType. |
getRaw | fun Task .getRaw(propertyName: String ): String Searches for the given property in the Subs object's SubProperties instance, and returns the raw string. Raises an error if not found. |
getRawMaybe | fun Task .getRawMaybe(propertyName: String ): String ? Searches for the given property in the Subs object's SubProperties instance, and returns the raw string, possibly null. |
outputFile | fun Task .outputFile(extension: String ): ConfigurableFileCollection Returns a ConfigurableFileCollection containing a single file taskName.extension located in the build directory. |
propertyExists | fun Task .propertyExists(propertyName: String ): Boolean Returns true if the given property exists in the Subs object's SubProperties instance for the given context. |