diff --git a/app/classes/lookup.rb b/app/classes/lookup.rb
index 3361287d40..295eb31f87 100644
--- a/app/classes/lookup.rb
+++ b/app/classes/lookup.rb
@@ -45,10 +45,6 @@ def lookup_titles
-  # This is checking for an instance, then sanity-checking for an instance of
-  # the wrong model, then for an ID, then yielding to the lookup lambda.
-  # In the last condition, `yield` means run any lambda block provided to this
-  # method. (It only looks up the record in the case it can't find an ID.)
   def evaluate_values_as_ids
     @vals.map do |val|
       if val.is_a?(@model)
@@ -57,8 +53,8 @@ def evaluate_values_as_ids
         raise("Passed a #{val.class} to LookupIDs for #{@model}.")
       elsif /^\d+$/.match?(val.to_s)
-      else # each lookup returns an array
-        lookup_method(val).map(&:id)
+      else
+        lookup_method(val).map(&:id) # each lookup returns an array
@@ -71,7 +67,7 @@ def evaluate_values_as_instances
         raise("Passed a #{val.class} to LookupIDs for #{@model}.")
       elsif /^\d+$/.match?(val.to_s)
-      else # each lookup returns an array
+      else
diff --git a/app/classes/lookup/names.rb b/app/classes/lookup/names.rb
index 3cacf0cdea..59b4b53d7e 100644
--- a/app/classes/lookup/names.rb
+++ b/app/classes/lookup/names.rb
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def lookup_ids
-  # If we got params, look up all instances from the ids.
+  # Look up all instances from the ids. Too complicated otherwise.
   def lookup_instances
     return [] if @vals.blank?
diff --git a/app/classes/query/base.rb b/app/classes/query/base.rb
index 122a15e744..4aafb6cc1b 100644
--- a/app/classes/query/base.rb
+++ b/app/classes/query/base.rb
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ class Query::Base
   include Query::Modules::Initialization
   include Query::Modules::Joining
   include Query::Modules::LookupObjects
-  include Query::Modules::LookupNames
   include Query::Modules::LowLevelQueries
   include Query::Modules::NestedQueries
   include Query::Modules::Ordering
diff --git a/app/classes/query/modules/lookup_names.rb b/app/classes/query/modules/lookup_names.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index fa10e8c03e..0000000000
--- a/app/classes/query/modules/lookup_names.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-# Helper methods to help parsing Name instances from parameter strings.
-module Query::Modules::LookupNames
-  # def lookup_names_by_name(args, params = {})
-  #   unless (vals = args[:names])
-  #     complain_about_unused_flags!(args)
-  #     return
-  #   end
-  #   Lookup::Names.new(vals, **args).ids
-  # end
-  # def lookup_names_by_name(args)
-  #   unless (vals = args[:names])
-  #     complain_about_unused_flags!(args)
-  #     return
-  #   end
-  #   orig_names = given_names(vals, args)
-  #   min_names  = add_synonyms_if_necessary(orig_names, args)
-  #   min_names2 = add_subtaxa_if_necessary(min_names, args)
-  #   min_names  = add_synonyms_again(min_names, min_names2, args)
-  #   min_names -= orig_names if args[:exclude_original_names]
-  #   min_names.pluck(0)
-  # end
-  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  # private
-  # def given_names(vals, args)
-  #   min_names = find_exact_name_matches(vals)
-  #   if args[:exclude_original_names]
-  #     add_other_spellings(min_names)
-  #   else
-  #     min_names
-  #   end
-  # end
-  # def add_synonyms_if_necessary(min_names, args)
-  #   if args[:include_synonyms]
-  #     add_synonyms(min_names)
-  #   elsif !args[:exclude_original_names]
-  #     add_other_spellings(min_names)
-  #   else
-  #     min_names
-  #   end
-  # end
-  # def add_subtaxa_if_necessary(min_names, args)
-  #   if args[:include_subtaxa]
-  #     add_subtaxa(min_names)
-  #   elsif args[:include_immediate_subtaxa]
-  #     add_immediate_subtaxa(min_names)
-  #   else
-  #     min_names
-  #   end
-  # end
-  # def add_synonyms_again(min_names, min_names2, args)
-  #   if min_names.length >= min_names2.length
-  #     min_names
-  #   elsif args[:include_synonyms]
-  #     add_synonyms(min_names2)
-  #   else
-  #     add_other_spellings(min_names2)
-  #   end
-  # end
-  # def complain_about_unused_flags!(args)
-  #   complain_about_unused_flag!(args, :include_synonyms)
-  #   complain_about_unused_flag!(args, :include_subtaxa)
-  #   complain_about_unused_flag!(args, :include_all_name_proposals)
-  #   complain_about_unused_flag!(args, :exclude_consensus)
-  #   complain_about_unused_flag!(args, :exclude_original_names)
-  # end
-  # def complain_about_unused_flag!(args, arg)
-  #   return if args[arg].nil?
-  #   raise("Flag \"#{arg}\" is invalid without \"names\" parameter.")
-  # end
-  # def find_exact_name_matches(vals)
-  #   vals.inject([]) do |result, val|
-  #     if /^\d+$/.match?(val.to_s)
-  #       result << minimal_name_data(Name.safe_find(val))
-  #     else
-  #       result + find_matching_names(val)
-  #     end
-  #   end.uniq.compact
-  # end
-  # def find_matching_names(name)
-  #   parse = Name.parse_name(name)
-  #   name2 = parse ? parse.search_name : Name.clean_incoming_string(name)
-  #   matches = Name.where(search_name: name2) if parse&.author.present?
-  #   matches = Name.where(text_name: name2) if matches.empty?
-  #   matches.map { |name3| minimal_name_data(name3) }
-  # end
-  # def add_other_spellings(min_names)
-  #   ids = min_names.map { |min_name| min_name[1] || min_name[0] }
-  #   return [] if ids.empty?
-  #   Name.where(Name[:correct_spelling_id].coalesce(Name[:id]).
-  #              in(limited_id_set(ids))).pluck(*minimal_name_columns)
-  # end
-  # def add_synonyms(min_names)
-  #   ids = min_names.filter_map { |min_name| min_name[2] }
-  #   return min_names if ids.empty?
-  #   min_names.reject { |min_name| min_name[2] } +
-  #     Name.where(synonym_id: clean_id_set(ids).split(",")).
-  #     pluck(*minimal_name_columns)
-  # end
-  # def add_subtaxa(min_names)
-  #   higher_names = genera_and_up(min_names)
-  #   lower_names = genera_and_down(min_names)
-  #   query = Name.where(id: min_names.map(&:first))
-  #   query = add_lower_names(query, lower_names)
-  #   query = add_higher_names(query, higher_names) unless higher_names.empty?
-  #   query.distinct.pluck(*minimal_name_columns)
-  # end
-  # def add_lower_names(query, names)
-  #   query.or(Name.
-  #     where(Name[:text_name] =~ /^(#{names.join("|")}) /))
-  # end
-  # def add_higher_names(query, names)
-  #   query.or(Name.
-  #     where(Name[:classification] =~ /: _(#{names.join("|")})_/))
-  # end
-  # def add_immediate_subtaxa(min_names)
-  #   higher_names = genera_and_up(min_names)
-  #   lower_names = genera_and_down(min_names)
-  #   query = Name.where(id: min_names.map(&:first))
-  #   query = add_immediate_lower_names(query, lower_names)
-  #   unless higher_names.empty?
-  #     query = add_immediate_higher_names(query, higher_names)
-  #   end
-  #   query.distinct.pluck(*minimal_name_columns)
-  # end
-  # def add_immediate_lower_names(query, lower_names)
-  #   query.or(Name.
-  #     where(Name[:text_name] =~
-  #       /^(#{lower_names.join("|")}) [^[:blank:]]+( [^[:blank:]]+)?$/))
-  # end
-  # def add_immediate_higher_names(query, higher_names)
-  #   query.or(Name.
-  #     where(Name[:classification] =~ /: _(#{higher_names.join("|")})_$/).
-  #     where.not(Name[:text_name].matches("% %")))
-  # end
-  # def genera_and_up(min_names)
-  #   min_names.pluck(3).
-  #     reject { |min_name| min_name.include?(" ") }
-  # end
-  # def genera_and_down(min_names)
-  #   genera = {}
-  #   text_names = min_names.pluck(3)
-  #   # Make hash of all genera present.
-  #   text_names.each do |text_name|
-  #     genera[text_name] = true unless text_name.include?(" ")
-  #   end
-  #   # Remove species if genus also present.
-  #   text_names.reject do |text_name|
-  #     text_name.include?(" ") && genera[text_name.split.first]
-  #   end.uniq
-  # end
-  # # This ugliness with "minimal name data" is a way to avoid having Rails
-  # # instantiate all the names (which can get quite huge if you start talking
-  # # about all the children of Kingdom Fungi!)  It allows us to use low-level
-  # # mysql queries, and restricts the dataflow back and forth to the database
-  # # to just the few columns we actually need.  Unfortunately it is ugly,
-  # # it totally violates the autonomy of Name, and it is probably hard to
-  # # understand.  But hopefully once we get it working it will remain stable.
-  # # Blame it on me... -Jason, July 2019
-  # def minimal_name_data(name)
-  #   return nil unless name
-  #   [
-  #     name.id,                   # 0
-  #     name.correct_spelling_id,  # 1
-  #     name.synonym_id,           # 2
-  #     name.text_name             # 3
-  #   ]
-  # end
-  # def minimal_name_columns
-  #   [:id, :correct_spelling_id, :synonym_id, :text_name].freeze
-  # end