This project was done for the C++ (Programming for Engineers) course in 2019-2020 Fall.
The purpose of this project was to create the backend of a video sharing platform. Since we were done with this project in the C++ course, the front-end part of it did not complete.
This project mainly includes 5 parts, these are;
- Linked List part for some connection,
- Video class to create (upload) videos,
- User class to create users(account),
- VideoShare class to invoke some events between users and videos,
- and a test class.
Linked List part includes Node.h and LinkedList.h. They were coded to struct the connection part.
Video.h is for the videos that the users upload.
User.h is to create users.
VideoShare.h lets the user like some videos and add frineds.
Main.cpp is our test class.
If you need any clarification, send an email to