Example code for fetching data from czech goverment register of companies. Just upload wonder type of file to you PHP website and load adress of .php file. It will show concent of variable array $ares_data with fetched data data from register.
- File ares-ekonomicke-subjekty.php is for searching companies at https://ares.gov.cz/ekonomicke-subjekty
- File ares-zivnostentsky-registr.php is for https://www.rzp.cz/verejne-udaje/cs/udaje/vyber-subjektu
You can use this code in personal or bussiness freely as you wish. You can edit this code as you wish. Hope this code help someone to easily create code.
You can edit code to gather more data from register if you want to. Just follow documentation of Ares2 at https://ares.gov.cz/swagger-ui/#/