The Random Password Generator is a Python application that generates random passwords between 8 and 14 characters in length using a graphical user interface (GUI). This tool is designed for users who need secure, random passwords for various applications.
To install the necessary dependencies, use the following pip commands:
Copy code
pip install tk
pip install pyperclip
git clone
cd python-RPG-1.3
python3 python-RPG-1.3
Make sure you have Python installed on your system.
Generate a Password: Open the application and click the button to generate a random password. Copy to Clipboard: After generating a password, you can copy it to the clipboard by clicking the respective button. Save to File: You can also save the generated password to a text file named generated_password.txt on your desktop.
When you generate a password, you will see a random string of characters such as A8f3J9kL.
Ensure your Python version is compatible with the tool (typically Python 3.6 or higher). Use strong, unique passwords for each application.
This Random Password Generator has been tested and confirmed to work on the following operating systems:
Windows 10
Linux Ubuntu Mate 22.04.4
While it has been verified to function on these systems, it may also work on other versions of Windows and Linux distributions.