This organization contains device specific & common sources for various SM6375 based Motorola devices.
Founded and maintained by @AnandSuresh02, feel free to contribute.
If you like my work, feel free to donate:
- UPI - anandzzz360@oksbi
- Buy me a Coffee -
- PayPal -
- Motorola Moto G34 5G - fogos
- Motorola Moto G84 5G - bangkk
The catch: Make sure you have atleast the following minimum specs:
- A 12-thread CPU.
- 16GB of installed RAM.
- A decent amount of disk space (250GB at least). Note that SSDs will build faster than HDDs.
- A decent internet connection to sync source.
- A Linux distro environment (Personally I recommend Ubuntu 24.04 LTS).
- Familiarity with basic shell commands, git and version control.
Lower specs than this could take longer time to build.
To continue setting up the build environment, follow the instructions:
# Enter Superuser.
sudo su
# Install JDK
add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
# Update all packages.
apt-get update
# Install necessary packages.
apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z1-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc unzip fontconfig
# Create a bin folder and set up using AkhilNarang Script.
mkdir ~/bin
cd ~/bin
curl > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
git clone scripts
cd scripts
bash setup/
You can refer the AOSP method to do this as well.
Go to the ROM's manifest repo (android in case of LineageOS) and follow their instructions to sync the source. Use --depth=1 to shallow clone unless you're doing serious source tweaks and modifications.
mkdir lineage
cd lineage
repo init -u -b lineage-22.1 --git-lfs --depth=1
repo sync
If there occurs any error with checkouts during syncing, just do this once it's finished:
repo sync -j1 --fail-fast
Sync the Device's device specific tree, common tree and kernel tree.
git clone device/motorola/bangkk
git clone device/motorola/sm6375-common
git clone kernel/motorola/sm6375
You'll have to clone hardware/motorola and system/qcom manually since we build some HALs based off of it.
git clone hardware/motorola
git clone system/qcom
After this you can choose to prepare the vendor tree using the script inside the device specific tree, given that you have cloned your device's stock firmware dump in your build environment.
To prepare this, first clone the ROM dump to your build environment. For example, I'm cloning bangkk's dump to my build environment:
git clone path/to/rom_dump
Then run the extract script after giving it proper permissions:
chmod +x device/motorola/bangkk/
bash device/motorola/bangkk/ path/to/rom_dump
Once that's finished, you can view your vendor tree at vendor/motorola/bangkk
Alternatively, you can just clone the already prepared and maintained vendor tree from here
git clone vendor/motorola/bangkk
git clone vendor/motorola/sm6375-common
If you're building any other ROM than LineageOS, you might need to do a basic bring up for the specific ROM.
For example, If you're building PixelOS, you should modify the makefiles to adapt to PixelOS. To do that, rename the
inside device specific tree to
, and open the file and change lineage prefixes to aosp.
To find out what prefixes to use for different ROMs, you can refer their manifest or official devices org for simplicity.
Do the same with and (in common tree) as well. And you will face errors if you've missed any, or done anything wrong. Fix it accordingly.
Assuming you've done everything right and reached this step, let's proceed.
First we need to include the environment setup.
. build/
Now we need to lunch our target.
lunch lineage_bangkk-ap3a-userdebug
Lunch target can vary depending on ROMs too.
Eg: For PixelOS,
lunch aosp_bangkk-ap3a-userdebug
You can enable CCACHE to enable caching and speeding up the build. Here I'm using 50GB for CCACHE.
export USE_CCACHE=1 && ccache -M 50G
And finally make the ROM!
mka bacon -j12
You can set different -j
values depending on how many threads you want to use.
Happy building!!!