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318 lines (212 loc) · 11.8 KB

File metadata and controls

318 lines (212 loc) · 11.8 KB

react-native-upload-manager npm version

A React Native Library to manage your http post file uploads with android and iOS background support. If you are uploading large files like videos, use this so your users can background your app during a long upload. This library support both Serial (Queue) and Parallel upload.

screenshots screenshots


1. Install package

npm install --save react-native-upload-manager


yarn add react-native-upload-manager

2. Link Native Code

Autolinking (React Native >= 0.60)


cd ./ios && pod install && cd ../


No further actions required.

Automatic Native Library Linking (React Native < 0.60)

react-native link react-native-background-upload

Or, Manually Link It


  1. In the XCode's "Project navigator", right click on your project's Libraries folder ➜ Add Files to <...>
  2. Go to node_modulesreact-native-upload-managerios ➜ select RNUploadManager.xcodeproj
  3. Add RNUploadManager.a to Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries


  1. Add the following lines to android/settings.gradle:

    include ':react-native-upload-manager'
    project(':react-native-upload-manager').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../node_modules/react-native-upload-manager/android')
  2. Add the compile and resolutionStrategy line to the dependencies in android/app/build.gradle:

    dependencies {
        compile project(':react-native-upload-manager')
  3. Add the import and link the package in

    import com.mostafataghipour.reactnativeuploadmanager;  <-- add this import
    public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
        protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
            return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
                new MainReactPackage(),
                new RNUploadManagerPackage() // <-- add this line

3. Expo

To use this library with Expo one must first detach (eject) the project and follow step 2 instructions.


import UploadManager from 'react-native-upload-manager'

useEffect(() => {
    const progressSubscription = UploadManager.addListener('progress', (data) => {
        console.log(`Progress: ${data.progress}%`)
    const completeSubscription = UploadManager.addListener('completed', (data) => {
        // data includes responseCode: number and responseBody: Object
    const errorSubscription = UploadManager.addListener('error', (data) => {
        console.log(`Error: ${data.error}%`)
    const cancelSubscription = UploadManager.addListener('cancelled', (data) => {
    return () => {
  }, [])
const uploadfile = async () => {
    const options = {
      url: '',
      path: 'file://path/to/file/on/device',
      method: 'POST',
      type: 'raw',
      maxRetries: 0, // set retry count (Android only). Default 0
      headers: {
        'content-type': 'application/octet-stream', // Customize content-type
        'my-custom-header': 's3headervalueorwhateveryouneed'
      // Below are options only supported on Android
      notification: {
        enabled: true,
        onErrorMessage: 'upload failed',
        onCompleteMessage: 'upload success',
        onProgressMessage: 'uploading...  ([[PROGRESS]])',
        autoClear: true

    const uploadId = await UploadManager.startUpload(options)

Multipart Uploads

Just set the type option to multipart and set the field option. Example:

const options = {
  url: '',
  path: 'file://path/to/file%20on%20device.png',
  method: 'POST',
  field: 'uploaded_media',
  type: 'multipart'

Note the field property is required for multipart uploads.


Top Level Functions

All top-level methods are available as named exports or methods on the default export.


The primary method you will use, this starts the upload process.

Returns a promise with the string ID of the upload. Will reject if there is a connection problem, the file doesn't exist, or there is some other problem.

options is an object with following values:

Note: You must provide valid URIs. react-native-background-upload does not escape the values you provide.

Name Type Required Default Description Example
url string Required URL to upload to
path string Required File path on device file://something/coming/from%20the%20device.png
type 'raw' or 'multipart' Optional raw Primary upload type.
method string Optional POST HTTP method
customUploadId string Optional startUpload returns a Promise that includes the upload ID, which can be used for future status checks. By default, the upload ID is automatically generated. This parameter allows a custom ID to use instead of the default.
headers object Optional HTTP headers { 'Accept': 'application/json' }
field string Required if type: 'multipart' The form field name for the file. Only used when type: 'multipart uploaded-file
parameters object Optional Additional form fields to include in the HTTP request. Only used when type: 'multipart
notification Notification object (see below) Optional Android only. { enabled: true, onProgressTitle: "Uploading...", autoClear: true }

Notification Object (Android Only)

Name Type Required Description Example
enabled boolean Optional Enable or diasable notifications. Works only on Android version < 8.0 Oreo. On Android versions >= 8.0 Oreo is required by Google's policy to display a notification when a background service run { enabled: true }
autoClear boolean Optional Autoclear notification on complete { autoclear: true }
notificationChannel string Optional Sets android notificaion channel { notificationChannel: "My-Upload-Service" }
enableRingTone boolean Optional Sets whether or not to enable the notification sound when the upload gets completed with success or error { enableRingTone: true }
onProgressTitle string Optional Sets notification progress title { onProgressTitle: "Uploading" }
onProgressMessage string Optional Sets notification progress message { onProgressMessage: "Uploading new video" }
onCompleteTitle string Optional Sets notification complete title { onCompleteTitle: "Upload finished" }
onCompleteMessage string Optional Sets notification complete message { onCompleteMessage: "Your video has been uploaded" }
onErrorTitle string Optional Sets notification error title { onErrorTitle: "Upload error" }
onErrorMessage string Optional Sets notification error message { onErrorMessage: "An error occured while uploading a video" }
onCancelledTitle string Optional Sets notification cancelled title { onCancelledTitle: "Upload cancelled" }
onCancelledMessage string Optional Sets notification cancelled message { onCancelledMessage: "Video upload was cancelled" }


Returns some useful information about the file in question. Useful if you want to set a MIME type header.

path is a string, such as file://

Returns a Promise that resolves to an object containing:

Name Type Required Description Example
name string Required The file name within its directory. image2.png
exists boolean Required Is there a file matching this path?
size number If exists File size, in bytes
extension string If exists File extension mov
mimeType string If exists The MIME type for the file. video/mp4


Cancels an upload.

uploadId is the result of the Promise returned from startUpload

Returns a Promise that resolves to an boolean indicating whether the upload was cancelled.


The primary method you will use to add your filr to upload queue. your upload queue will be continue even after your app going to background mode.

Returns a promise with the string ID of the upload. Will reject if there is a connection problem, the file doesn’t exist, or there is some other problem.

All Options are similar to startUpload function.


Clear all files in upload queue.

addListener(eventType, listener)

Adds an event listener to listen to upload events.

eventType Event to listen for. Values: 'progress' | 'error' | 'completed' | 'cancelled'

listener Function to call when the event occurs.

Returns an EventSubscription. To remove the listener, call remove() on the EventSubscription.



Event Data

Name Type Required Description
id string Required The ID of the upload.
progress 0-100 Required Percentage completed.


Event Data

Name Type Required Description
id string Required The ID of the upload.
error string Required Error message.


Event Data

Name Type Required Description
id string Required The ID of the upload.
responseCode string Required HTTP status code received
responseBody string Required HTTP response body


Event Data

Name Type Required Description
id string Required The ID of the upload.


Is there an example/sandbox app to test out this package?

Yes, there is a simple react native app that you can find here.

Does it support iOS camera roll assets?

Yes, as of version 4.3.0.

Does it support multiple file uploads?

Yes and No. It supports multiple concurrent uploads, but only a single upload per request. That should be fine for 90%+ of cases.

Why should I use this file uploader instead of others that I've Googled like react-native-uploader?

This package has two killer features not found anywhere else (as of 12/16/2016). First, it works on both iOS and Android. Others are iOS only. Second, it supports background uploading. This means that users can background your app and the upload will continue. This does not happen with other uploaders.

What is the difference between this package and react-native-background-upload?

This package heavily inspired by react-native-background-upload and base on that. But this package has a some of features that do not exist in react-native-background-uploa, such as Upload queue and etc.


This project is heavily inspired by react-native-background-upload. Kudos to @Vydia. 👍


Thanks to android-upload-service It made Android dead simple to support.


Mostafa Taghipour,


react-native-upload-manager is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.