Download the files CombinationClassCounter.groovy, convert_table.groovy, multiplex_classification.groovy and set_channel_names.groovy and save them into the folder scripts
of your qupath project.
The script
will add the total numbers for each class to the results table- After having analyzed your images, open the script in the script editor (
Automate>Script Editor
). - Run the script via the command
from the menuRun
of the script editor (do not useRun for project
) - Select a results file in the tab-separated values (.tsv) format
- The script will create a new tsv-file in the same folder as the input file
- After having analyzed your images, open the script in the script editor (
The script
allows to set the names and colors of the channels of the images in the project- Open the script in the script editor (
Automate>Script Editor
). - Run the script via the command
Run for project
from the menuRun
of the script editor
- Open the script in the script editor (
The script
allows to automatically run a multiplex analysis on all images of a project- Open the script in the script editor (
Automate>Script Editor
). - Run the script via the command
Run for project
from the menuRun
of the script editor
- Open the script in the script editor (
Before getting started, you might want to read the multiplex analysis part of the QuPath-documentation.
Run the command File>Project...>Create Project
. A dialog will open from which you can create and/or select an empty folder, into which the project files will be saved. Open the folder containing your images in your system's filebrowser and drag them onto the Image list
pane of your project in QuPath. On the import dialog, select the image type (for example Fluorescence
) and press the import button.
Depending on the number, type and size of your images, the import might take a while, since a multi-resolution image pyramid has to be created.