The program replays packets using DPDK from a pcap file within its original packet rate. It can amplify the playing rate by cloning the packets. A cloned packet is differed only from its original one by its IP source and destination.
The program reaches 10Gbps or 14Mpps very easy using only one core.
Usage: ./mmt-dpdk-liveplay-pcap options
-f: pcap file name
-t: number of times to duplicate a packets
-m: mbps. By default, packets are replayed with the throughput of pcap file.
Set this parameter to replay packets with the expected throughput.
-i: output port id
-l: loop through the pcap file X times. Not use together with -p
-p: limit number of packets to be sent. Not use together with -l
-h: print this help, then exit
For example:
sudo ./mmt-dpdk-liveplay-pcap -c 0x1 -- -i 0 -t 16 -f ../../pcap/bigFlows.pcap -m 10000 -l 20