Name | Type | Description | Notes |
searchKey | String | Search key from a previous response to reconsititute a prior request. | [optional] |
institutionId | String | An institution identifier recognized by MolecularMatch to enable institution specific results and location awareness. | [optional] |
caseId | String | For lab specific case tracking. | [optional] |
total | Integer | The total number of records that match this search. | |
totalPages | Integer | The number of results pages for this search based on the limit provided in the request. | |
page | Integer | The results page number this response corresponds to. | |
rows | java.util.List<Publication> | The array of publications that match the search criteria. | [optional] |
rationalized | java.util.List<Filter> | The array of filters and how they were interpreted by the MolecularMatch search engine. | [optional] |
unrecognized | java.util.List<Filter> | The array of filters that were not recognized by the MolecularMatch search engine. | [optional] |
filterNarrative | String | A human readable narrative describing the search conducted. Can be used to provide "Showing results for" functionality. | [optional] |
ambiguousNarrative | java.util.List<String> | if true include a human readable ambiguous narrative. This enables the consumer to activate "did you mean" search capability. | [optional] |