diff --git a/_episodes/09-CI.md b/_episodes/09-CI.md index febce50..5a01440 100644 --- a/_episodes/09-CI.md +++ b/_episodes/09-CI.md @@ -36,8 +36,6 @@ git switch -c main You can also [download the pre-made workshop repository as a zip file](https://github.com/MolSSI-Education/molecool/archive/refs/tags/git-start.zip). If downloading as a zip file, you will need to initialize `git` in the repository and make an initial commit in order to use git. -::: - **Note** - For this lesson, you must be able to push to GitHub. If you are using the pre-made repository, you will need to create an *empty* repository on GitHub, then change the remote URL to your own repository. @@ -528,8 +526,11 @@ Searching the GitHub Marketplace, you might find [this action](https://github.co Implement this [ASCII Art Action](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/ascii-art-action) as **another job** in your workflow. Make it print your package name. Note that this Action will only run on Linux systems. +This means you will want to change the `runs-on` keyword to an appropriate operating system. This is not in the documentation, but you will see a failure of your job if you try to run on another operating system. +See if you can use some of [GitHub's built-in variables](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/variables#default-environment-variables) to print the package name or the username of the person who opened the pull request. + `````{admonition} Solution :class: solution dropdown