A Machine Learning model created using prebuild model. We need to feed the images to the model and it will predict if the same person is there else it will mark as unknown. You can downlaod any images and store it in the images folder and the name of the image will be displayed. Needs GPU to run smoothly. To use this model open terminal and paste this commands 1.
git clone https://github.com/MohamedArafath205/Face-Recognition-System.git
- If you face any error simply click on the green code button and select download as zip.
- Extract the zip file.
- Run
pip install opencv-python
- After that run
pip install face-recognition
If you face any problems while downlaoding the face-recognition library please download dlib file regarding to your python version.
If you face any issues you can contact me via mail: mohamedarafath205@gmail.com
- Download Tkinter and webbrowser
pip install tkinter
pip install webbrowser