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Repository files navigation


Movies application

Project Structure

├── DB                          # Database related files or scripts
├── diagrams                    # Project architecture or database diagrams
├── docs                        # Project documentation
├── migrations                  # Database migration files
├── node_modules                # Node.js dependencies
├── public                      # Publicly accessible files
├── src                         # Source code directory
│   ├── config                  # Configuration files
│   ├── emails                  # Email templates or email-related code
│   ├── features                # Feature-based code organization
│   │   └── auth                # Authentication feature
│   │       ├── controllers     # Auth controllers
│   │       ├── dtos            # Data Transfer Objects for auth
│   │       ├── interfaces      # TypeScript interfaces for auth
│   │       ├── middlewares     # Auth-specific middlewares
│   │       ├── models          # Auth data models
│   │       ├── routes          # Auth route definitions
│   │       ├── services        # Auth business logic services
│   │       └── index.ts        # Entry point for auth feature
│   ├── users                   # User management feature
│   │   ├── controllers         # User controllers
│   │   ├── dtos                # Data Transfer Objects for users
│   │   ├── interfaces          # TypeScript interfaces for users
│   │   ├── middlewares         # User-specific middlewares
│   │   ├── models              # User data models
│   │   ├── routes              # User route definitions
│   │   ├── services            # User business logic services
│   │   ├── tests               # Tests for user feature
│   │   └── index.ts            # Entry point for user feature
│   ├── jobs                    # Background jobs or scheduled tasks
│   ├── logging                 # Logging configuration or custom loggers
│   ├── middlewares             # Global middleware functions
│   ├── types                   # Global TypeScript type definitions
│   ├── utils                   # Utility functions and helpers
│   ├── app.ts                  # Main application setup
│   └── index.ts                # Entry point of the application
├── .dockerignore               # Files to be ignored by Docker
├── .env                        # Environment variables
├── .gitattributes              # Git attributes file
├── .gitignore                  # Git ignore file
├── docker-compose.yml          # Docker Compose configuration
├── Dockerfile                  # Docker configuration for containerization
├── LICENSE                     # Project license file
├── package-lock.json           # Locked versions of npm dependencies
├── package.json                # Project metadata and dependencies
├──                   # Project readme file
├── TODO.ts                     # List of todos or planned features
└── tsconfig.json               # TypeScript compiler configuration