A customized gesture view.
The UnlockView contains all code. Thanks for using!
1.Just copy the UnlockView.java to your project;
2.Add this view into your layout
android:layout_width="match_parent" />
3.Find the view in code:
mUnlockView= (UnlockView) findViewById(R.id.unlock);
4.Set the mode(CREATE_MODE:the mode for creating gesture;CHECK_MODE:the mode for verifing gesture):
5.Add Listener:
//The listener for creating gesture;
mUnlockView.setGestureListener(new UnlockView.CreateGestureListener() {
public void onGestureCreated(String result) {
//The listener for verifing gesture;
mUnlockView.setOnUnlockListener(new UnlockView.OnUnlockListener() {
public boolean isUnlockSuccess(String result) {
public void onSuccess() {
public void onFailure() {
6.Customize your gesture unlockview:
mUnlockView.setErrorColor(Color.parseColor("#FF0000"));//Customize the color of error circles
mUnlockView.setNormalColor(Color.parseColor("#D5DBE8"));//Customize the color of normal circles
mUnlockView.setSelectColor(Color.parseColor("#508CEE"));//Customize the color of selected circles
mUnlockView.setPathWidth(3);//Customize the width of path
mUnlockView.setNormalR(20);//Customize the radius of inner circle
mUnlockView.setSelectR(30);//Customize the radius of outer circle
7.Enjoy it!