Repo provides an example of remote debugging a Python Application(Flask) on Kubernetes/OpenShift with VSCode.
- Repo uses python debugpy as debugger.
- Application used for example is testFlask Application
- Example uses a Dockerfile to build application image.
- Dockerfile entrypoint points to bash script that helps determine if remote debugging is needed via the use of environment variables.
- if Debugging is needed bash script will run python flask entrypoint file which imports debug intializer from another file if required.
- OpenShift Cluster - Version>=4.9
- oc client >= 4.9
- oc client must be logged in with user with sufficent privileges to run below commands.
eval "$(curl"
Create necessary projects
oc new-project $NAMESPACE_DEV
oc new-project $NAMESPACE_PROD
Create a new application on openshift, using the oc new-app command.We will specificy environment variables we pre-configured in our entrypoint bash script to enable debugging for our application
oc new-app --name=$APP_NAME -l app=testflask --env=REMOTE_DEBUG="true" --env=DEBUG_PORT=5679 -n $NAMESPACE_DEV --strategy=docker
If the previous command gives this error - error: unable to locate any images in image streams, local docker images with name "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/ubi8"
oc tag --source=docker ubi8:latest -n openshift
Expose the service to the outside world with an openshift route
oc expose svc/$APP_NAME --port 8080 -n $NAMESPACE_DEV
If app build above is successful our application pod should start in debug mode. We can confirm by looking at application logs.
oc logs deployment/$APP_NAME -n $NAMESPACE_DEV
With our application debugger listening we need to port-forward from our debug service to allow vscode connect.
oc port-forward service/$APP_NAME -n $NAMESPACE_DEV --address 5679:5679
With our debugger accessible we need to configure our vscode instance to connect to the debugging session. Port-Forward session has to continously run for duration of debugging
Clone the original source code
git clone
Open folder in VSCode
Set your vscode setting.json to point to our created instance above and use the remote debug configuration. I have provided a sample settings.json with a remote debugger attach and local development example under .vscode folder.
Start debug session in vscode, we should see log in our application show a debug connection has been made.
oc logs deployment/$APP_NAME -n $NAMESPACE_DEV
Calling our route URL for the application should trigger our breakpoints.
curl $(oc get route/$APP_NAME -n $NAMESPACE_DEV -o jsonpath='{}')