Releases: Mmtrx/FS22_BetterContracts
Releases Β· Mmtrx/FS22_BetterContracts
Modhub submit
translation additions
- add translation fur UI settings page, thanks @vitalii2011 and @Myiamoto86
- fix for #66
UI Settings Page
- adds a settings page within the games main menu. In MP games, this is only displayed for Admins
- optional modes "hard" and "discount" should now work also in MP games
- display no. of successful jobs under the farmer image on contracts page (if BC details is on)
- display farmland owner in farmland overview mode of ingame menu map
Adresses #39, #58, #59, #61, #64
As always, please test and let me know about any bugs (by opening an issue).
Options: hard mode, discount mode
- add option hard mode: active missions time out at midnight. Penalty for mission cancel (suggested in #39)
- add option discount mode: get discounted field price, based on number of missions (suggested in #39)
- warnings on mission vehicles do not repeat. Warning only if no vehicles found for a mission (#51, #53)
Caution: Beta, not yet tested on MP. Feel free to report any errors under issues
Compatibility IBCtankfix, roller, and lime missions
lazyNPC more options
- now you can also adjust weed/ spray missions with "lazyNPC"
- prepared for future additional mission types (roller, lime)
ModHub Release
- "lazy NPCs" (leave more work for contracts) can be configured on/ off
- maximum number of active contracts configurable (in modSettings/FS22_BetterContracts.xml)
- indicator for active contracts with borrowed equipment
- clear / new contracts buttons in MP games only work for master user
- recognize FS22_DynamicMissionVehicles
Some Maintenance
Edit 10 Sep 22:
hotfix for #32 32 writeUpdateStream errors in log
Main reason is compatibility with latest FS22 patch 1.7.1. Also some enhancements:
- #23 configure for which field work NPCs are lazy, if at all
- #28 mark active contracts with borrowed equipment
- #29 max no. of active contracts configurable, clear/ new contracts buttons in MP only for admins
If you still have issues (disappearing/ wrong contracts), pls set lazyNPC="false"
in config file modSettings/FS22_BetterContracts.xml
Issues fixed
More plow, cultivate, sow missions
Extended he logic of "lazy" NPC farmers from harvest contracts to plow, cultivate, sow missions. Fertilize/ weed missions may also occur more often.
This was asked for in German Giants Forum.