Emma is a very intelligent Assistant, she can support you in tasks such as:
- Show you the Weather and News from more than 50 Countries.
- The News are divided into different categories (General, Technology, Science, Entertainment ETC) and are taken from reliable sources.
- The weather is the current one of the indicated location.
If you want to support the project or ask me anything, do not hesitate to send me an email to contasti.mizar@gmail.com
Emma is a Chatbot that uses Apis Free for Developers, so the maximum Queries that she reaches per day are 100 for the news and 1000 for the weather. It will tell you when it has no more calls and will offer you to search it the next day.
- Emma now is able troubleshoot errors by itself, also helps the user in a specified path.
- Emma is able to save Sessions, Transcripts and Paths Data.
- Emma now is a Bilingual Chatbot.
Emma now has her own app ✔ Download it here Specific images are now shown for each type of weather Changed response type for weather from Accordeon to Information.
Emma now shows News from more than 50 Countries Validated by International Media. Emma maintains Country Context during category change News by search term was eliminated
Implementation of News App through NewsAPI Emma shows news by general search term
Implementation of the Weather App by OpenWeatherAPI Emma is able to indicate the weather at the current moment