This is a minecraft like game with 2 game modes , where a player selects a grid size with a minimum of 10x10 and a maximum of 40x40 , and the engine generates a randomized world , or a blank one in sandbox mode.
You start in a randomly generated or blank world with an empty/full inventory.
You can gather any resource from the map using the tools youre provided , using tools accordingly a hatchet will gather wood and leaves , a spade will gather soild , and the pickaxe will gather anything below the soil
you can also place the materials you have gathered back on the map by choosing the according material from your inventory and placing it on a empty tile.
Design , Deisign custom cursors , adding SFX -
Implement basic HTML "Skeleton" -
Basic styling with CSS -
Developing Game Engine step by step
Implementing map generation algorithmImplementing grid generatorImplementing basic tile harvestingImplementing tile laying functionImplementing a feature to allow the player to gather only tiles with nothing above them (realistic feature)Implementing a game reset function
Declaring and targeting all DOM elements from game engine's script. -
Adding a game tutorial element on the main screen -
Making custom cursors functional -
Adding hover animations , and various transitions and effects -
Refactoring and commenting code.
Game Engine: JavaScript
ART: Taken from Minecraft wiki
Sharpened my algorithmic thinking
Sharpened my grid skills as well as deeper understanding of how to use 2D arrays for my purposes and advantages
Using exports and imports to break down my Engine to smaller moving parts
Using localStorage better for my advantage
I'm a full stack development student.
Feel free to use the code and art as you wish and don't forget to Star ⭐ the repository.