FastAPI Authentification/Verification + MySQL
Installation & Configuration
Install the Docker Desktop and Start It.
Clone this repository in your local machine.
Open the Terminal and navigate to the project folder.
Run docker volume create describly_mysql_data
to create a docker volue in you machine. Required to persist the mysql data.
Below will be your mysql connection details.
MYSQL_PASSWORD=Describly& 123
We can start building our projects by running docker-compose build
One build is done, run docker-compose up
to start the services. Leave this terminal open to check the logs.
To stop the services you can press Ctrl + C
- (Control + C)
Accessing the Docker Containers
To Generate the Migration From Model
docker-compose run fastapi-service /bin/sh -c "alembic revision --autogenerate -m "create my table table""
To Apply the Migration to Database
docker-compose run fastapi-service /bin/sh -c "alembic upgrade head"
To Revert last applied migration
docker-compose run fastapi-service /bin/sh -c "alembic downgrade -1"
docker-compose run fastapi-service /bin/sh -c "pytest"
Display the info logs in the test
docker-compose run fastapi-service /bin/sh -c "pytest --log-cli-level=INFO"
Running a single test file
docker-compose run fastapi-service /bin/sh -c "pytest tests/test_folder/"