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Cloudflare WARP Speed Test is a command-line tool for testing the latency and speed of Cloudflare WARP IP addresses and obtaining information about the minimum latency and available ports. It provides various options to customize test parameters and filter results based on specific conditions.
Inspired(Copied) by CloudflareSpeedTest
brew tap peanut996/tap && brew install cloudflarewarpspeedtest
winget install peanut996.CloudflareWarpSpeedTest
scoop bucket add peanut996 https://github.com/peanut996/scoop-bucket
scoop install peanut996/cloudflarewarpspeedtest
use go tool to install(go version <= 1.20)
go install github.com/peanut996/CloudflareWarpSpeedTest@latest
go to Releases page, download the pre-compiled binary file.
To use CloudflareWarpSpeedTest, you can run the following command-line options:
CloudflareWarpSpeedTest -n 200 -t 10 -tl 300 -q -tll 0 -tlr 0.2 -sl 5 -p 10 -f ip.txt -ip -o result.csv -full
Here is an explanation of the main available options:
200: Specifies the number of latency test threads. Increasing this value can speed up the latency testing process, but it may not be suitable for lower-performance devices like routers. The default value is 200, with a maximum of 1000.-t
10: Sets the number of times latency tests are performed for each IP address. The default value is 10 times.-q
Quick mode: Quickly scan results for 1000 addresses. Default is on, use-q=false
to turn off quick mode.-ipv6
IPv6 mode. Only scan ipv6 addresses.-o
result.csv: Sets the output result file. The default file is "result.csv".-full
This flag indicates that all ports within the specified range should be tested.-pri
Custom Wireguard private key.-pub
Custom Wireguard public key. Default is the Warp public key.-reserved
Custom Reserved. Format:[0, 0, 0]
For more usage instructions, please use -h
Please note that adjusting test parameters can affect test speed and results. Choosing the appropriate settings is crucial based on the performance of your device and the specific conditions you want to apply.
Disclaimer: This tool is not affiliated with or endorsed by Cloudflare. Please use it responsibly and comply with their terms of service.
This software is released under the GPL v3 license.