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This is the repository of the french National Access Point (NAP) for mobility data.

This project brings a mobility focus on data hosted on, the french open data portal.


You can install this 2 different ways:

  • manually, this is the best way to install it if you plan to work often on the project.
  • with docker, this is an easier installation process at the cost of a slightly more cumbersome development workflow.

Manual installation

  • Make sure you have Elixir, Node, Yarn and Docker installed and up-to-date
    • Elixir is often installed with asdf since it makes it easy to handle different Elixir versions accross projects. The project needx at least Elixir 1.8 and Erlang 21.0
  • Install Elixir dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Install Node.js dependencies with mix yarn install


You also need an up to date postgresql with postgis installed.


For easier configuration handling you can use direnv.

  • copy the example file cp .envrc.example .envrc;

  • in the terminal, generate a phoenix secret key with the command mix phx.gen.secret and paste the result in the .envrc file at the line export SECRET_KEY_BASE=<secret_key>

  • you must know the password of the postgres user, and update the PG_URL environment variable accordingly : export PG_URL=ecto://postgres:<postgres_user_password>@localhost/transport_repo

  • by default, connections to postgresql will be made on the 5432 port. If your postgresql installation uses a different port, or if you have several postgresql installed, update the PG_URL environment variable accordingly : export PG_URL=ecto://postgres:postgres@localhost:<port>/transport_repo

  • allow direnv to export those variables direnv allow .

Creating a database

Create the database with the command mix ecto.create.

Alternatively, you can create it manually. With the permission to create a database (on Debian based system, you need to be logged as postgres), type createdb transport_repo.

Applying the migrations

To have an up to date database schema run mix ecto.migrate.

Restoring the production database

The production database does not contains any sensitive data, you can retreive it for dev purpose.

  • You can retreive the latest clever-cloud backup (you need some permissions to access it, if you don't have them, you can ask someone on the team to give you the database)
  • On the clever-cloud website, under transport-site-postgresql, there is a Backups section with download links.
  • restore the downloaded backup on you database: ./ <path_to_the_backup>


Run the server with mix phx.server and you can visit on your browser.



Before running the integration tests, you need to start a selenium web driver with docker run -p 4444:4444 --network=host selenium/standalone-chrome:3.141.59-oxygen

Run the tests with MIX_ENV=test mix test

You can also:

  • Run the integration tests with MIX_ENV=test mix test --only integration
  • Run the solution tests with MIX_ENV=test mix test --only solution
  • Run the external tests with MIX_ENV=test mix test --only external


  • Run the elixir linter with mix credo --strict
  • Run the javascript linter with mix npm "run linter:ecma"
  • Run the sass linter with mix npm "run linter:sass"

Misc Elixir command


To extract all translations from the source, you can run mix gettext.extract --merge (and then edit the modified .po files).

DB migrations

To generate a new migration file: cd apps/db && mix ecto.gen.migration <name of the migration> && cd ..

The generated ecto migration file will be apps/db/priv/repo/migrations/<timestamp>_<name of the migration>.exs

To apply all migrations on you database: mix ecto.migrate

Docker installation


If you don't plan to work a lot on this project, the docker installation is way easier.

You need a .env file with the same variables that you have in .envrc.example (but you'll need to remove export at the beginning of each line. (No need to setup the variable PG_URL, it is defined in the docker-compose.yml)

Then you only need to run: docker-compose up

And access it at http://localhost:5000

You can make changes in the repository and those will be applied with hot reload.

You can run any mix command with:

docker-compose run web mix <cmd>

For the tests you also need to add an environment variable:

docker-compose run -e MIX_ENV=test web mix test


The Dockerfile needed to run the continuous integration is in the project:

Update it if needed (e.g. updating Elixir’s version) and then update .circleci/config.yml.