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inMirakelX/mirakel-android (press backspace or delete to remove)I ve can t get to build Mirakel, after other problems I ve gotten to the point that is say:
Error:(37, 0) CreateProcess error=193, %1 is not a valid Win32 application
Which has to do with this line: ...
- 2
- Opened on Apr 3, 2017
- #623
I was thinking if you do not have much time to develop Mirakel, you could ask some new guys from community to become a
maintainer and give them commit access. Those might be just long-term contributors ...
- 2
- Opened on Apr 18, 2016
- #622
Hey guys,
I use mirakel a lot and I really like the feature that task could be repeated. It helps me managing my daily workflow.
However, for repeated tasks I have to set due date and then those tasks ...
- Opened on Apr 18, 2016
- #621
Hello, Im getting this Error:(64, 0) F:\mirakel-android-master\new_ui\ (The system cannot find the file
specified) While importing project in windows machine, Any idea about the cause? ...
- 2
- Opened on Mar 23, 2016
- #620
The Help us! page, section Report Bugs and Features points the visitor to an JIRA instance that points to the GitHub
issues page. The Help us! page should point directly to the GitHub issues page.
- Opened on Mar 10, 2016
- #619
In Mirakel task without a priority gets priority value of 0 and tasks with low priority -2. So tasks without priority
are listed higher. But when using sync with Taskwarrior, tasks set with low priority ...
- Opened on Feb 24, 2016
- #618
When we stablish the date and the notifications, the keyboard appears (Android 4.3 and 5.1.1) so it s a bit confusing
because we don t see the hour to due the notification and it s annoying.
Could you ...
- Opened on Jan 17, 2016
- #617
I get the following error when trying to sync with a Taskwarrior server (taken using Android built-in bug reporting
01-13 19:48:28.961 31776 31794 E ACRA : ACRA caught a NullPointerException ...
- 1
- Opened on Jan 13, 2016
- #616
That s the 3.0 release from Fdroid:
D/ACRA (15938): ACRA is enabled for de.azapps.mirakelandroid, initializing...
D/ACRA (15938): Using default Report Fields
D/ACRA (15938): Looking for error ...
- 1
- Opened on Dec 16, 2015
- #615
How to reproduce:
1. Create new list
2. Switch to list
3. Delete list
4. Close sidebar so you stay on the just deleted list
5. Press add task floating action button
6. Mirakel crashes
There are ...
- Opened on Dec 4, 2015
- #614

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