Miranum Platform is an open source production ready process automation platform with a focus on human-task driven processes. Many components of this repository are based on the DigiWF project.
Content of this readme:
Miranum Platform is a solution for complex human task management workflows. With its unified Tasklist and JSON-based forms it represents a generic approach to task management, suitable for automating many different processes. Besides it provides all necessary components for task management purposes such as the Minio S3 storage as well as Keycloak.
Even though Miranum Platform was created out of a project in the public sector it can be used versatile in many different industries. Whenever you deal with human task management and need a centralized Tasklist, Miranum Platform is a possible choice.
Miranum Platform uses Camunda 7 as process engine with Polyflow for task handling.
In addition, system components such as Keycloak, Nginx, PostgreSQL and Minio are being used.
The latter tools are interchangeable but work best in the current version.
- Engine Tasklist Service: Includes Camunda Platform 7, Polyflow and the Miranum Tasklist Backend.
- Miranum Tasklist Webapp: Single-page application build with vue.js which renders the forms and tasklist.
- Miranum IDE: Collection of vs-code plugins to model bpmn processes, dmn decisions and forms using vuetify-jsonschema-forms.
- Schema Registry Service:
- Deployment Service:
- Keycloak:Open Source Identity and Access Management tool
- Nginx: Ingress controller
- PostgreSQL: Relational database
- Minio: MinIO is a High Performance Object Storage which is API compatible with Amazon S3 cloud storage service.
To get started with Miranum Platform please navigate to the platform-stack folder and follow
instructions in the README.md. Once the infrastructure components have started you
can run the
run configuration. Make sure that you have performed a mvn clean build
before doing so.
A more in depth miranum-stack-showcase can be found in our documentation.
If you have any questions or need support, feel free to reach out to us via email (info@miragon.io). We are here to help you, especially if you are considering introducing Miranum in your organization.
For inquiries and professional support, please contact us at: info@miragon.io
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