PlugMan is a simple, easy to use plugin that lets server admins manage plugins from either in-game or console without the need to restart the server.
- Enable, disable, restart, load, reload, and unload plugins from in-game or console.
- List plugins alphabetically, with version if specified.
- Get useful information on plugins such as commands, version, author(s), etc.
- Easily manage plugins without having to constantly restart your server.
- List commands a plugin has registered.
- Find the plugin a command is registered to.
- Tab completion for command names and plugin names.
- Dump plugin list with versions to a file.
- Check if a plugin is up-to-date with dev.bukkit.org
- Permissions Support - All commands default to OP.
命令 | 描述 |
/mpm help | Show help information. |
/mpm list [-v] | List plugins in alphabetical order. Use "-v" to include versions. |
/mpm info [plugin] | Displays information about a plugin. |
/mpm dump | Dump plugin names and version to a file. |
/mpm usage [plugin] | List commands that a plugin has registered. |
/mpm lookup [command] | Find the plugin a command is registered to. |
/mpm enable [plugin|all] | Enable a plugin. |
/mpm disable [plugin|all] | Disable a plugin. |
/mpm restart [plugin|all] | Restart (disable/enable) a plugin. |
/mpm load [plugin] | Load a plugin. |
/mpm reload [plugin|all] | Reload (unload/load) a plugin. |
/mpm unload [plugin] | Unload a plugin. |
/mpm check [plugin|all] [-f] | Check if a plugin is up-to-date. |
权限节点 | 默认 | 描述 |
mineblock.pluginmanager.admin | OP | Allows use of all PlugMan commands. |
mineblock.pluginmanager.update | OP | Allows user to see update messages. |
mineblock.pluginmanager.help | OP | Allow use of the help command. |
mineblock.pluginmanager.list | OP | Allow use of the list command. |
mineblock.pluginmanager.info | OP | Allow use of the info command. |
mineblock.pluginmanager.dump | OP | Allow use of the dump command. |
mineblock.pluginmanager.usage | OP | Allow use of the usage command. |
mineblock.pluginmanager.lookup | OP | Allow use of the lookup command. |
mineblock.pluginmanager.enable | OP | Allow use of the enable command. |
mineblock.pluginmanager.enable.all | OP | Allow use of the enable all command. |
mineblock.pluginmanager.disable | OP | Allow use of the disable command. |
mineblock.pluginmanager.disable.all | OP | Allow use of the disable all command. |
mineblock.pluginmanager.restart | OP | Allow use of the restart command. |
mineblock.pluginmanager.restart.all | OP | Allow use of the restart all command. |
mineblock.pluginmanager.load | OP | Allow use of the load command. |
mineblock.pluginmanager.reload | OP | Allow use of the reload command. |
mineblock.pluginmanager.reload.all | OP | Allow use of the reload all command. |
mineblock.pluginmanager.unload | OP | Allow use of the unload command. |
mineblock.pluginmanager.check | OP | Allow use of the check command. |
mineblock.pluginmanager.check.all | OP | Allow use of the check command. |
文件 | URL |
config.yml | https://github.com/MineBlockMC/MineBlockPluginManager/blob/master/src/main/resources/config.yml |