FlagPhoneNumber is a phone number textfield with a fancy country code picker.
Country names are displayed according to the phone language
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
FlagPhoneNumber is available through CocoaPods and Carthage.
Simply add in your Cartfile
the following line:
github "chronotruck/FlagPhoneNumber"
Simply add in your Podfile
the following line:
pod "FlagPhoneNumber"
You can instantiate it in storyboards/xibs or programmatically:
let phoneNumberTextField = FlagPhoneNumberTextField(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: view.bounds.width - 16, height: 50))
// You can change the chosen flag then set the phone number
phoneNumberTextField.setFlag(for: .FR)
phoneNumberTextField.set(phoneNumber: "0600000001")
// Or directly set the phone number with country code, which will update automatically the flag image
phoneNumberTextField.set(phoneNumber: "+33600000001")
FPNTextFieldDelegate inherites from UITextFieldDelegate so nothing change:
phoneNumberTextField.delegate = self
It provides two methods that lets you know when a country is selected and when the phone number is valid or not. Once a phone number is valid, you can get it in severals formats (E164, International, National, RFC3966):
extension YourViewController: FPNTextFieldDelegate {
func fpnDidSelectCountry(name: String, dialCode: String, code: String) {
print(name, dialCode, code) // Output "France", "+33", "FR"
func fpnDidValidatePhoneNumber(textField: FPNTextField, isValid: Bool) {
if isValid {
// Do something...
textField.getFormattedPhoneNumber(format: .E164), // Output "+33600000001"
textField.getFormattedPhoneNumber(format: .International), // Output "+33 6 00 00 00 01"
textField.getFormattedPhoneNumber(format: .National), // Output "06 00 00 00 01"
textField.getFormattedPhoneNumber(format: .RFC3966), // Output "tel:+33-6-00-00-00-01"
textField.getRawPhoneNumber() // Output "600000001"
} else {
// Do something...
FlagKit is used by default but you can customize the list with your own flag icons assets:
// Be sure to set it before initializing a FlagPhoneNumber instance.
You can change the size of the flag:
phoneNumberTextField.flagSize = CGSize(width: 44, height: 44)
You can change the edge insets of the flag:
phoneNumberTextField.flagButtonEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(5, 10, 5, 10)
If you set the parentViewController programmatically or from @IBOutlet
, a search button appears in the picker inputAccessoryView to present a country search view controller:
phoneNumberTextField.parentViewController = self // or from @IBOutlet
You can customize the inputAccessoryView of the textfield:
phoneNumberTextField.textFieldInputAccessoryView = getCustomTextFieldInputAccessoryView(with: items)
You can also customize the flag button's properties:
// This will freeze the flag.
// Only one particular country's phone numbers will be formatted and validated.
// You can set the country by setting the flag as shown earlier.
phoneNumberTextField.flagButton.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
You can have in the placeholder an example of a phone number according to the selected country or have your own placeholder:
phoneNumberTextField.hasPhoneNumberExample = false // true by default
phoneNumberTextField.placeholder = "Phone Number"
You can choose which country can appears in the list:
phoneNumberTextField.setCountries(including: [.FR, .ES, .IT, .BE, .LU, .DE])
Or exclude countries from the list:
phoneNumberTextField.setCountries(excluding: [.AM, .BW, .BA])
- Localization
- Country search
- Placeholder
- Exclude/Include countries
- Any idea ?
This library is high inspired of MRCountryPicker library and use libPhoneNumber-iOS library. https://github.com/xtrinch/MRCountryPicker / https://github.com/iziz/libPhoneNumber-iOS NOTE: Mindera's fork of this library has removed the usage of libPhoneNumber-iOS and replaced it with PhoneNumberKit, a newer library, also inspired by the original libPhoneNumber. This allows us to use this Lib with Swift Package Manager without the issues that were cropping up by using libPhoneNumber-iOS.
Open source time proudly sponsored by Chronotruck.
grifas, aurelien.grifasi@chronotruck.com
Don't hesitate to contact me or make a pull request to upgrade this library.
FlagPhoneNumber is available under the Apache license. See the LICENSE file for more info.