Adding many new subtle details through particles and a few sounds. All of which can be toggled and some can be customized. The mod also comes with built-in particle culling and a particle render distance
✨ Some Key Features
- Particle culling
- Particle render distance
- Fire related blocks (fire, campfires, candles, torches, etc) have sparks
- Villagers and players snore and have Z particles
- Slimes leave a trail of slime
- Glowstone and redstone blocks emit dust particles
- Allay and Vexes emit magic
- Shearing a sheep drops fluff
- Burning entities have sparks, smoke and flames
- Vanilla smoke has been replaced with updated textures similar to campfire smoke
- Players with 3 hearts or less have a heartbeat
- Players with 3 hunger or less have stomach growling
- Wearing a mob head will apply the spectator shader for that mob (currently only for the creeper head and Enderman head from Supplemenaries)
- Players and a few mobs have running dust clouds
- Mobs have dust clouds when they hit the ground
- And much more...
A full list of features can be found on the wiki.
Requires Fzzy Config.
📜 Terms of Use
You may
✅ Use this mod as a reference to understand and or create something of your own, as long as it is not a copy or recreation
✅ Use this mod in modpacks with credit and one or more links to any of the project pages*
✅ Edit for personal use
✅ Use this mod for/in YouTube videos with credit and one or more links to any of the project pages*
✅ Create resource packs, data packs, and addon mods for this mod
You may not
❌ Reupload/publish this mod to any website without explicit permission from me and one or more links to any of the project pages*
❌ Redistibute edited or unedited assets** from this mod without permission from me and credit
* Project pages include CurseForge, Modrinth, Planet Minecraft, GitHub
** Assets include logos, banners, textures, models etc
Q: Can XYZ feature be disabled?
A: Yes, all features can be disabled in the config menu.
If you find that a feature/change cannot be disabled please report it as a bug
Q: Can vanilla clients or clients without the mod join if the mod is installed on the server?
A: Yes, the mod does not need to be installed on the client to join
Q: Does this mod work with Fancy Block Particles, Particle Core, Visuality, or Particular?
A: Yes
Q: Particular's leaves aren't showing, how do I fix them?
A: Disable the 'Cull Particles With No Alpha' config inside the 'General' config section
Q: Do you take suggestions/feature requests?
A: Yes, suggestions and feedback in general are much appreciated.
You can provide feedback/suggestions in a GitHub issue, the CurseForge comments, or on my Discord Server.
Please keep your suggestions somewhat Minecraft-y, e.g. no blood.
Please also try not to suggest things that multiple other mods implement, such as rain ripples.
Feel free to translate this mod into any language or update existing translations. To get your translation into the mod, make a pull request on GitHub with the translated language file.
All translators are credited in the list below.
- Simplified Chinese: kuhananxianglai
- Japanese: gohkenytp
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Repository created from MultiLoader-Template