To run the server & AI (Lw 7abb T test)
1. Download the folder named => (ats_ai+server+connected - Copy)
2. Install dependencies (Packages) : pip install -r requirements.txt
3. Run the ai model: python
4. Run the server: python
Note bt3dl ip bta3 file 7sp ip bta3 ghazk // ipconfig a3mlha gowa terminal 34an t3rf your ip
To run the flutter App with AI (Lw 7abb T test)
1. Download the folder named => (Graduation project)
Download the folder named => (ats_ai+server+connected - Copy)
# GO TO VS Code (python enviroment) open inside it folder -> ats_ai + server + connected - Copy
2. Run the AI python
3. Run the server (Flask) python
# GO TO Android studio
4. 5od el lib bdlo bl lib al 3ndk howa ol yml
5. 5osh el yml => pup get
Note bt3dl ip bta3 file 7sp ip bta3 ghazk // ipconfig a3mlha gowa terminal 34an t3rf your ip
bt3dl satr 46 f ats_screen.dart 7sp ip bta3 ghazk
6. Flutter run