Ransomware created for CECS 378 at CSULB
- If you don't have bash install from here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10
- Download and install Ubuntu for Windows 10.
- Make sure you have the file looforyou.pem in current directory.
- From bash, type in commands
For Ransomware server:
$ chown :root cecs378.pem
$ chmod 600 cecs378.pem
$ ssh -i .pem ubuntu@ec2-18-221-179-247.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com
- master branch - branch with latest working code (main program)
- remote branch - your own branch
- upstream branch - branch that can be tracked
- origin - perform operation on the source of your target
- this is your private workspace
git checkout {branchname}
- making a new branch with all the work you have
git checkout -b {newbranchname}
- must set upstream so that github can track it
git push -u origin {branchname} //you only need the -u argument in your very first push.
- whenever you push, you should ALWAYS ADD, COMMIT, then PULL first
git add . //period means "everything". you can also choose to add only specific files
git commit -m "message" //**REQUIRED** you need to type in a message for every commit
git pull origin master //this pulls code FROM master TO whatever branch you're on (if you are already on master branch, keyword origin is optional)
//ALWAYS pull before you push (make sure to add and commit first) to avoid overriding data
git push //push to your branch
- order of operations: add -> commit -> pull -> push
git status
git diff // overview of things changed
git diff {filename} // see specific changes in file
git diff {branchname} // view differences in different branches
:wq // exits vim mode
git log // view commit log
git checkout {first 6 characters of chosen checkpoint hash} -b {new branch name} // checkout log to new branch