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Rapportage en analyse scripts voor het Milieucentrum Utrecht Snuffelfiets project.


NB. If you do not have a working conda setup, please first follow Setup the analysis environment

Clone the repository.

git clone
cd Snuffelfiets

Create a conda environment.

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate snuffelfiets
conda develop .

Start a notebook server.

python -m ipykernel install --user --name=snuffelfiets
jupyter notebook

Setup the analysis environment

These are short instructions for setting up the general frameworks that I use for the Snuffelfiets analysis pipeline.

  1. Install Miniforge
  1. Install VScode
  • Add the VScode extension 'Jupyter'
  • some optional extensions:
    • Python
    • Pylance
    • Rainbow CSV
    • Github copilot
  1. Create the conda environment (e.g. for 'snuffelfiets')
  • Open a Miniforge terminal
  • Follow instructions detailed in Installatie
    • If git is not found on your sytem, please install it first in the base environment with: conda install git
  1. Choose the 'snuffelfiets' environment in VScode (background:
  • Add the project folder 'Snuffelfiets' in VScode Explorer (i.e. File -> Open Folder)
  • Open een Jupyter notebook, e.g. demos.ipynb
  • On the top right there will probably be a button 'Select Kernel'
    • OR: open the command Palette with Ctrl-Shift-P and search the command by starting to type 'Python: Select Interpreter'
  • if the 'snuffelfiets' environment is not listed, choose 'Select Another Kernel' => 'Python Environments'
  • type the path where the environment's python is installed, probably '~\miniforge3\envs\snuffelfiets\python.exe'