How to run server :
Download the file - extract in the server
Open terminal, install python or run the followng commands :
- cd <your_bs_folder>
- sudo apt-get update -y
- sudo apt-get install -y python2.7-dev
- chmod 777 bombsquad_server
- chmod 777 config.py
- chmod 777 bs_headless
- pkill -f tmux
- tmux
- ./bombsquad_server
Edit the files for simple changes
- fire.py - server settings - includes welcome msg
- settings_spaz - player settings
- settings_bomb - bomb settings
- settings_powerups - powerup settings
- getPermissionsHashes - add owner/admin hashes
- bsTextOnMap - to change textonmap
Edit for powerup dist changes
- dist_vanilla - default powerups
- dist_regular - regular powerups with extra
- dist_modded - full modded powerups
- enable the dist you want in setttings_powerups.py
- make sure both dist values never becomes true
- both dist values false means, dist_regular turned true
What has changed in this 5.0 version?
- added endvote - /endvote to start, /vote to vote
- improved chat filter
- chat commands now transient
- coinsystem more transient
- time added in textonmap
- member_count added in textonmap
- authentication mod has been added
- enable it in fire.py under authentication
- no one can spoof id else kick
- scoreboard and gamename changes
- improved whitelist
- use /white to add players
- use ?whitelist to start setting
- server will restart at once whitelist enabled
Prevent Brute Entry attacks - fail2ban
- mod to prevent hackers crashing server or gaining entry
- install fail2ban module
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install fail2ban
- configure the module
- open the folder - /etc/fail2ban/
- open jail.local file
- change bantime value to -1
- change findtime value to 30
- change maxentry value to 3
- three chances to enter correct or ban
- use cntrl+f to search for the terms, and change values as said
- save the file
- open the folder - /etc/fail2ban/
- open terminal and enter commands
- sudo systemctl start fail2ban
- sudo systemctl enable fail2ban
- Server will now ban all those trying to brute entry attack - usefull
- Will work depending on the attack
Enjoy the full beauty of Ankit System and PCModder System
Can be used in server builds and client builds
Contains 2 admin systems in 1 big package.
Stongest Admin system to be ever created ~
A total of 73 powerups with triple configuration
Special roles for friends or top players
Top Notch server commmands for configuration in real time
Live New Bombsquad Textures configured in real time
Players can use any Characters even if they dont have
Awesome New mods such as PCFloater
Live time working whitelist and ban list
Full working server files created by Avarohana or PCModder
Thanks to PCModder/PC231392/PC290717/Avarohana/Arohana(All are Me)
Thanks to Blitz
Thanks to SobyDamn
Thanks to Vortex
Thanks to Vivek
Thanks to Bombdash
Thanks to Esie-Eyen
Thanks to Knight
Special thanks to ByAngel3L and Froshlee14
Thank You for all Using, kindly to give me some credit to those who use, Avarohana/PCModder
A few special server commands -
For PC commands use '?'
For Ankit commands use '/'
?teamMode on
?ffaMode on
?shower and ?snowy
/endvote to start endvote
/vote to vote for endvote
View Full Cmds in commmandList.pdf or scroll down
To enable or disable whitelist, use ?whitelist
To add a whitelisted client, use /white (ID) add
To remove a whitelisted client, open getPermissionHashes.py and remove the id under whitelist hashes.
Server will restart after enabling whitelist
Server filters both chat messages and Names!
To add a word to chat fiter, open fiter.py and add the word in the f_word hashes.
To add a word to the Name filter, open filter.py and add the name in the name_filter hashes.
Anyone with blacklisted name gets kicked immedietly
Roles work on both systems
Roles include admin, vip, mod, owner, owner2, mod2
owner2 and mod2 are tags with permissions, but tag name is emoty
Use owner2, owner, mod2 using --> ?owner2 instead of /owner2
For custom tag, use the defualt ankit system tag
For PC tag, use ?dtag, ?ctag, ?ftag, ?tag (ID) add or remove
To MUTE, use ?mute (ID) add or remove - muted until id removed
To BAN, use /ban (ID) add or remove - defualt ankit sys layout
#To whom ever this may concern, All rights to Mikahael aka PCModder/Avarohana as the License states above.
Server features an auto night mode
To enable the time, open the terminal, and change the TIMEZONE to desired
Example - sudo timedatectl set-timezone <your_time_zone>
Find your timezone in terminal - timedatectl list-timezones
Server has arranged a way for clients to complain to owner for improvments
View complaints in complaints.txt in first directory, next to bs_headless.py, not scripts
Use comp (your message here) + add your name to the complaint
Example - comp they are teaming, comp add this powerup to server
Server has many logging features
Open complaints.txt to see complaints log
Use kicklog.txt to see who has been kicked
Use cmdlog.txt to see which commands admins/vips or owners have been using
Includes the special commands owner or admins can use for server
?? special text for OWNERS only, Example - ??hey_guys Dont use spaces, use something else like . Example - ?? hey_guys_how_are_you or ?? hi,guys,bye
? special text for ADMIN/MOD only, Example - ??hey_guys Dont use spaces, use something else like . Example - ?? hey_guys_how_are_you or ?? hi,guys,bye
?tag - enables tag for every person
?charf - forces everyone to use that char perm until turned off, Works with wizard, pixie, ninja, santa, robot, ali, frosty, pengu, Example - ?wizardf, to turn off, type same command again
?rchar - forces everyone to use a random char perm, Example - ?rchar, To diable, type ?rchar or type same command again
?(bombtype)shower 0 - enables meteor shower with specified bomb, Works with bombtypes - normal, sticky, ice, cursy, frozen, pwp, glue, impact, Example - ?nomalshower 0, ?stickyshower 0, There is no disabling it - stops at end of match
?(snowtype)snow 0 - enables snow on maps, Works with sweat, ice, spark, splinter, slime, Example - ?sweatsnow 0, ?sparksnow 0, etc, There is no disabling it - stops at end of match
?pow(emittype) - enables pwp emition with specified emittype, Works with sweat, slime, splinter, ice, Example - ?powslime, ?powice, ?powsplint, ?powsweat, To distable, type the same command again
?color - changes color of player when punch button pressed, Example - ?color, To disable, type ?color or same command again
?randomchar - changes character of player when hold button pressed, Example - ?randomchar, To disable, type ?randomchar or same command again
?(bombtype)f - changes default bombtype to desire, Works with shock, ice, sticky, spike, glue, impact, knock, Example - ?shockf, ?icef, ?stickyf, etc, To disable, type same command again, Use only one default bomb at a time! Dont mix and match
?hp - enabled HP tag for players, Example - ?hp, To disable, type the same command again, When used, removes PC tag and rank tag
?shieldf - enables default shield for players, Example - ?shieldf, To disable, type the same command again
?glovef - enables default gloves for players, Example - ?glovef, To disable, type the same command again
?maps - enables new maps textures, Example - Use ?map1 or ?map2, then type what it says, Use /reset to disable the map until game over
?pwp - enables or disables the powerup, Example - ?pwp, To disable, type the same command again
?vanilla - enables default pwp distribution, Example - ?vanilla, To disable, type the same command again, Do not use with ?powerups, disable ?powerups if on, then use
?powerups - enables PC powerups, or modded powerups, Example - ?powerups, To disable, type the same command again, Do not use with ?vanilla, disable ?vanilla if on, then use
?bombmodel - enables new bombmodel for all bombs, Example - ?bombmodel, To disable, type this same command again
?powerupname - enables or disables powerup name, Example - ?powerupname, To disable or enable, type ?powerupname or same command again
?animate - enables flashy name color on pwp and bomb, and shield on bomb, Example - ?animate, To disable, type ?animate or same command again
?discolight - enables discolight on the powerups, Example - ?discolight, To disable, type ?discolight or same command again
?bombname - enables or disables bomb name, Example - ?bombname, To disable, type ?bombname or same command again
?ffaMode on - enables ffamode immediately, Example - ?ffaMode on, To revert back to teammode, use ?teamMode on
?teamMode on - enables teammode immediately, Example - ?teamMode on, To revert back to ffamode, use ?ffaMode on
?plo - enables or disables explosion when powerup spawns, Example - ?plo, To disable, type ?plo or the same command again
?pop - enables or disables popuptext when pwp touched, Example - ?pop, To disable, type ?pop or same command again
?flash - enables or disables powerup model addition, Example - ?flash, To disable, type ?flash or same command again
?lightning - enables or disables powerup lightning effect, Example - ?lightning, To disable, type ?lightning or same command again
?floater - enables floater to be turned on Example - ?floater, To disable, type ?floater or same command again, During daytime, floater is regular/landmine floater, During night time, floater is PC floater
Server has rank system enabled
Auto admin and auto vip works on commands
To update ADMIN in top 1, type /auto admin
To update VIP in top 4, type /auto vip
~ To whomsoever this may concern, all rights to PCMODDER/PC231392/Mikahael, as the license states.