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Releases: Mihaylov93/BatMon

BatMon 0.5

17 Jan 22:31
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Whats new?

  • Ported to Qt5.
  • Optimization and improvements.
  • Code cleaning and refactoring.

md5sum: abf60c425036191686a67f74bda16a6e BatMon-0.5.tar.gz

BatMon for Clockwork OS v0.3

23 Apr 13:57
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What is new?

  • Now supports OS v0.3.
  • Now it only runs once and stays alive, previosly a script called and killed the process which was unefficient.
  • User can set a custom update interval from the caller script, previosly you had to recompile.
  • Can be toggled on and off from menu, previosly once you ran it it stayed until reboot.
  • Now includes a clock feature :D
  • Easier to install.

How to install?

sudo apt-get install libqtcore4
sudo apt-get install libqtgui4
tar -zxvf BatMon.tar.gz -C /home/cpi/apps/Menu/

md5sum: a2cbb70adec38e63aab339f366d303b5 BatMon.tar.gz

BatMon for Clockwork OS v0.3

20 Apr 16:06
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To install:

tar -zxvf BatMon.tar.gz -C /home/cpi/apps/Menu/

Reload the launcher and run from launcher.

BatMon widget

06 Aug 23:17
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It allows battery monitoring while playing.

Fix: Make script names follow the readme.

BatMon Preview Release

05 Aug 22:36
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Shows battery percentages with 30 sec update time. Still has some visual glitches but its better than no battery indicator.