This app is intended to compute the typing speed of the user. There are two languages: English or Russian. The text appears in the text frame at the top. Below that there is a user's text frame where he/she types. Each wrong letter increases the amount of mistakes (and, eventually, it decreases the accuracy percentage) and it turns in red so that a user could find it. When the typed text matches the one that should be typed (in the text frame above), the program ends. The speed in symbols per minute is being shown as well as the accuracy in % considering the number of mistakes and the length of the text.
10 best results in terms of speed (symbols per minute) in each of the typing language are noted. The best results can be viewed in a separate window "" by clicking on the button "High Scores" in the main menu.
Dynamic GUI (the number of mistakes as well as time change);
Input of english texts. In addition, there is a small amount of texts in english;
Input of russian texts. In addition, there is a small amount of texts in russian.
Scoreboard. Top-10 scores for each language by : english and russian.
, math
, pandas
, random
, tkinter