This programm is for mapping a BBC Micro:Bit to the DBus Interface of OpenSCAD.
Building is as simple as qmake make ./microbus
This program is using the QT Modul Serial Port. You may need a newer qmake then the one supplied with your linux distribution.
The source code is found under bbcmicrobit/serialport.js The code can be compiled under
If you want to skip that step, there is also a hex file provided.
The BBC Micro:Bit and this programm communicate via (virtual) serial port.
You can check the basic communication betwhen the Micro:Bit and the computer with a serial monitor like CuteCom.
If you get an error like "Permission denied", check if your current user
is part of the group "dialout". To check, you can use
The BBC Micro:Bit is offering an accelerometer and a magnetometer. The development enviroment at allows for easy acces of the accelerometer data and the compass heading.
The price of this simple implementation is, that both accelerometer and the compass are very unstable in vertical position. To get the compass more stable, lower level access to the magento meter could be used.
Written by Michael Frey
this is based on