, which stands for Yet Another Demographic Analysis package,
implements age estimation using a mixed cumulative probit model.
You can install yada with:
To guarantee reproducibility, yada can be run inside a Docker container using the Dockerfile that is included in the github repository. For example, the yada test scripts (we have added over 1000 tests to ensure that yada functions as intended) can be run inside this Docker container. The Docker Engine must be installed and available from the command line; see this link:
Open a terminal/command window and enter the following commands to clone the repository, change into the yada directory, and list its contents:
git clone https://github.com/MichaelHoltonPrice/yada
cd yada
The container runs Ubuntu 20.04 and, as of this writing, installs R version 4.1. Create and run the Docker container:
docker build -t michaelholtonprice/yada .
docker run -itv /yada_docker_data:/data michaelholtonprice/yada
This mirrors the /data directory inside the container to the directory yada_docker_container in the cloned directory on the host machine. If desired, the container can be started without mirroring the directory:
docker run -it michaelholtonprice/yada
The test scripts can be run by changing to the yada directory and running the test_yada.R file:
#cd yada # use this line only if yada is not the root directory
Rscript test_yada.R
Please note that the ‘yada’ project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.