Simplified Chinese document(简体中文文档): README
Want to build it yourself? Please read Build guides
Want to contribute this project? Please read Contribution guide
- Download and install the APK here
- Register push by clicking
Not registered
button - Click
Create a push
and edit the push profile - Click
button on the right top corner - Check if the push is received correctly
If your push (message) is not received or display an error, you can feedback here (Choose Bug report
Don't forget to attach your logs by sharing logs zip (Main → Menu → Share logs) and your steps.
GPL v3.0
Licenses of libraries are used in Android client is attached into the app, you can go to Main Menu Open Source Licenses to view them.
Some icons and pictures comes from, which are free to use for Open Source (Established projects should get the icons for free.)
Licenses of libraries are used in the server:
- Vertx - Eclipse Public License 2.0 and Apache License 2.0
- JUnit - EPL 1.0
- Mockito - MIT
- Power Mockito - Apache 2.0