I'm Sakshi Jain, Web developer with the right mix of Functional programming from India. Goal driven person who loves to live on the bleeding edge of technology and passionate about learning web dev and problem solving. I am a passionate programmer 💻 and a web dev enthusiast who loves to develop efficient and robust websites. From very early on in my life, I started to fall in ❤️ with technology. Probably creating simple programs as a kid was my first exposure to programming. Over the years, I have collected several tools 🛠 in my arsenal, as a result I am extremely flexible with technology stack and enjoy developing software for varied platforms.
🔭 I’m currently working on ProjectHUB
🌱 I’m currently learning MEAN stack
📝 I regularly write articles on https://dev.to/
💬 Ask me about DSA, Java, JS
📫 How to reach me jain.sakshii0901@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact I know HTML is not a programming language
😄 Pronouns: She/her/hers
First solve the problem, then write the code
Truth can be found only at one place: the code
- The First Web Page
- Live Internet Stats
- Crazy Harry Potter Fan Theories
- WEB3 Enthusiast??
- Developer's Jokes
- Egyptian Mummies
- Top 5 discovered checks in chess
- HTTP Status Dogs
Q - An agent died unexpectedly. How was the crime solved?
A - By looking at the stack trace
Our interests don't match? No worries, I am open to anything under the stars 🌟
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