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markercluster plugin for Longdo Map



This plugin originates from Markerclusterer for Google Map V3 & Leaflet.Markercluster.


Apache License Version 2.0

For Developers

How to use

1. Load longdo API and then load the plugin js & css

<script src="[your ownkey]"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./MarkerCluster.Default.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="longdomap.markercluster-src.js"></script>

You can skip loading css file if you are going to use your own cluster icons.

2. Instantiate Longdo Map and Markercluster

map = new longdo.Map({
			placeholder: document.getElementById('map'),
			language: 'en',
markercluster = new lmc.MarkerCluster(map,

2-A. If you'd like to use your own cluster icons...

var styles = [{
		url: "./m2.png",
		width: 55,
		height: 55,
		url: "./m3.png",
		width: 65,
		height: 65,
		url: "./m1.png",
		width: 52,
		height: 52,
    markercluster = new lmc.MarkerCluster(map,
        styles: styles

3. create longdo.Marker and add to the Markercluster instance

markercluster.addMarkers(new longdo.Marker({lat: 0,lon:0},{}));

Remember to run this code after loading icon image if you'd like to use your own marker icons

3-A. If you'd like to change marker icon...

var img = new Image();
img.onload = function(){
    markercluster.addMarkers(new longdo.Marker({lat: lat,lon:lon},{
            url: '',
            offset: { x: 12, y: 45 },
            size: {width: 24, height: 45}
img.src = '';

4. Run render() method.


If you add many markers, it takes some time to render.

API documentation

class Markercluster

constructor description
Methods Return value Description
addMarkers(markers:longdo.Marker or Array<longdo.Marker>) void add marker(s) to the plugin's management
render() void start rendering if it is ready.
resetViewport() void remove all markers & clusters from the map
clearMarkers() void remove all markers from the plugin's management
removeMarker(marker:longdo.Marker) boolean remove the marker from cluster & render, returning success
removeMarkers(markers:Array<longdo.Marker>) boolean remove markers from clusters & render, returning success
Name Type Default value Description
gridSize number 120 the pixel size of cluster grid
maxZoom number null maximum zoom level in which clustering is enabled
averageCenter boolean false Whether the center of each cluster should be the accurate average of markers
minClusterSize number 2 the minimum number of markers in each cluster
styles Array<Object> null design of cluster icons
swarmModeEnabled boolean false Whether swarm mode is enabled(under development)
swarmAlg number null null
swarmGridLength number null length of grid in swam mode 1
swarmMarkersMaxLimit number null Maxmimum number of showing markers in each cluster in swarm mode
swarmMarkersAmountAdjust boolean false if true, dynamic MaxLimit below is enabled in swarm mode 2
swarmMarkersMaxAmountPerTile number null Maximum number of markers to show in swarm mode
swarmMarkersConstPerGrid number null number per markers in grid to show in swarm mode 1

cluster styles

Name Type Description
url string URL of icon image
width number width of the image
height number height of the image
minThreshold number the minimum number of markers in each cluster to which apply the design

Build the plugin

If you'd like to build the plugin, you are required to install Node.js & webpack & more packages. When the install's done, run npm build script.