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Bot for scrapping information about application from Google Play or AppStore and storing them to database.
Additionally, the bot can collect information about the position of the application in categories or by given keywords. (keywords gives by user).
Categories for Google Play
Categories fro AppStore
Bot works in different modes GpTool and StoreTool. For help you can simple type
$ samurai <type (google|store)>
And then docs appear
Flags for google
-c, --count int set count of apps for tracking (default 250)
-d, --device string name of user device (default "whyred")
-e, --email string email for the device user account
-f, --file string file with keywords separated by '
--force force a new tracking instance
--gsfig int gsfid instead of user email (must be paired with token)
-h, --help help for google
--img save images to local server collection
-i, --intensity duration tracking frequency (default 24h0m0s)
-k, --keywords string keywords for tracking separated by commas
-l, --locale string Locale for tracking (default "ru_RU")
--meta track only meta information
--password string password for the device user account
-p, --period int Period of tracking (default 30)
--proxy string proxy for external requests from the device
-t, --target string Target bundle for tracking
--token string token instead of user password (must be paired with gsfid)
And flags for store
-c, --count int set count of apps for tracking (default 200)
-f, --file string file with keywords separated by '
--force force a new tracking instance
-h, --help help for store
--img save images to local server collection
-i, --intensity duration tracking frequency (default 24h0m0s)
-k, --keywords string keywords for tracking separated by commas
-l, --locale string Locale for tracking (default "ru_RU")
--meta track only meta information
-p, --period int Period of tracking (default 30)
-t, --target string Target bundle for tracking
If flags does not contain a default value, it means that they are required.
Let's analyze in more detail
-t | --target (required)
- app bundle for tracking
$ samurai google -t com.waze
-l | --locale
- where is doing tracking. By default ru_RU.
$ samurai google -t com.waze -l en_US
-p | --period
- period in days how much time application will be tracked
$ samurai google -t com.waze -p 5
-i | --intenisty
- frequency of one executor tick (saving info from selected store). By default 24h
$ samurai google -t com.waze -i 35h
-c | --count (max 250)
- setting the number of applications for further comparison with the target
$ samurai google -t com.waze -c 100
-k | --keywords
- keywords to track the application's target position for those keywords. target
. Keywords must be separated by commas. If -k
and -f
are both provided -f
has more prioritet
$ samurai google -t com.waze -k "key1, key2, key3"
-f | --file
- a keyword file to track the application's target position for those keywords. Keywords must be separated by \ n
$ samurai google -t com.waze -f path_to_file
- by default, if you start tracking an application, the bot checks if you are tracking the application with the same parameters, and if it finds it, it gets some configuration from the previous launch. This command allows you to create another application with such parameters
$ samurai google -t com.waze --force
-d | --device (required if --meta not set)
- the name of the device to track the category. The default value for the field is "whyred". This field is required for a tool that gets all apps from categories
$ samurai google -t com.waze -d your_device
-e | --email (required if --meta not set)
- email to connect user to specific device
. This filed is required for google tool if your want track categories.
$ samurai google -t com.waze -e email@something.com
--password (required if --meta not set)
- uses with email
for connecting to user deivce. Needed for scraping categories
$ samurai google -t com.waze --password strongpassword
- This is id given to user when he init connection to new device
.Not required param. This param helps category tracker not creating new connection to device. Must using together with token
$ samurai google -t com.waze --gsfig 18238898839283912313
- This is token given to user if he successfully connected to device. Not required param. This param helps category tracker not creating new connection to device. Must using together with gsfig
$ samurai google -t com.waze --token somerandomsymbols123123213lkdla023ajdian92
- proxy for http connection
$ samurai google -t com.waze --proxy http(s)://login:password@ip:port
- track only meta information (description, rating etc...). Without keywords and categories
$ samurai google -t com.waze --meta
- start saving images from the application to an external resource. This resource returns new links to images in local storage
$ samurai google -t com.waze --img
- help message :)
-t | --target (required)
- app bundle for tracking.
$ samurai store -t 512939461
-l | --locale
- where is doing tracking. By default ru_RU.
$ samurai store -t 512939461 -l en_US
-p | --period
- period in days how much time application will be tracked
$ samurai store -t 512939461 -p 3
-i | --intenisty
- frequency of one executor tick (saving info from selected store). By default 24h
$ samurai store -t 512939461 -i 30h
-c | --count (max 200)
- setting the number of applications for further comparison with the target
$ samurai store -t 512939461 -c 50
-k | --keywords
- keywords to track the application's target position for those keywords. target
. Keywords must be separated by commas. If -k
and -f
are both provided -f
has more prioritet
$ samurai store -t 512939461 -k "key1, key2, key3"
-f | --file
- a keyword file to track the application's target position for those keywords. Keywords must be separated by \ n
$ samurai store -t 512939461 -f path_to_file
- by default, if you start tracking an application, the bot checks if you are tracking the application with the same parameters, and if it finds it, it gets some configuration from the previous launch. This command allows you to create another application with such parameters
$ samurai store -t 512939461 -p 4 -i 35h --force
- track only meta information (description, rating etc...). Without keywords and categories
$ samurai store -t 512939461 --meta
- start saving images from the application to an external resource. This resource returns new links to images in local storage
$ samurai store -t 512939461 --img
- help message :)
You may provide config in config dir. Prod.yml uses only for production. Dev.yml for developing. Let's see how it looks like
envs: [envs1, envs2, envs3]
url: <url to service where doing scraping>
key: <client key>
grpc_address: <address to category service>
grpc_port: <port of category service>
image_processing: <address to img processing service>
name: <db name>
user: <db user>
password: <db password>
address: <db address>
port: <db password>
schema: <where is database schema stored>
Config provided field envs. You can provide next sensitive security data via envs.
* api_key
* db_pass
* db_user
* grpc_address
* grpc_port
For deploing this app you need add config to docker-compose and just ranning
$ docker-compose up -d <my_compose_name>