Model to Excel, Excel to Model mapper based on apache poi.
Add annotations to your model you already have. And convert to Excel, or import values from Excel
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
compile ""
The sample model PurchaseOrderTemplate
used in the photo at the top of the document is included in the package, and its usage is as follows.
public class ExcelMapperSpec {
private PurchaseOrderTemplate createModel() {
return PurchaseOrderTemplate
.titleRow(new TitleRow())
.vendorTitle("Company Name").vendorValue("Megazone")
.toTitle("Company Name").toValue("DSG").build(),
.vendorValue("MEGAZONE B/D Yeoksam-dong Gangnam-gu")
.toTitle("Address").toValue("DSG B/D Yeoksam-dong Gangnam-gu").build(),
.vendorTitle("CT, ST ZIP").vendorValue("SEOUL 06235 KOREA")
.toTitle("CT, ST ZIP").toValue("SEOUL 12345 KOREA").build(),
.vendorTitle("Phone").vendorValue("T.82(0)2 2108 9105")
.toTitle("Phone").toValue("T. 82 (0)2 2109 2500").build()
.via("Purchase Part")
.name("#228839221").description("Product ABC").qty(1)
.name("#428832121").description("Product EFG").qty(15)
.name("#339884344").description("Product XYZ").qty(78)
.summaryRow(new SummaryRow())
public class ExcelMapperSpec {
public void model_to_excel() throws IOException {
PurchaseOrderTemplate model = this.createModel();
Workbook excel = ExcelMapper.toExcel(model);
public class ExcelMapperSpec {
public void excel_to_model() {
PurchaseOrderTemplate model = this.createModel();
Workbook excel = ExcelMapper.toExcel(model);
PurchaseOrderTemplate fromModel = ExcelMapper.fromExcel(excel, PurchaseOrderTemplate.class);
public class ExcelMapperSpec {
public void model_to_stream_excel() throws IOException {
PurchaseOrderTemplate model = this.createModel();
Workbook excel = ExcelMapper.toExcel(model, new SXSSFWorkbook(50));
Let's see how to customize your own model based on the PurchaseOrderTemplate example.
Add @Excel
annotaion to your model.
defaultStyle = @CellStyle(
font = @Font(fontName = "Arial")
dateFormatZoneId = "Asia/Seoul"
public class PurchaseOrderTemplate {
attribute | type | default | description |
defaultStyle | @CellStyle | @CellStyle | Default cell style of excel |
dateFormatZoneId | String | Empty | Zone ID to be used when converting dates. If empty, is uses system default zone |
defaultStyle = @CellStyle(
font = @Font(fontName = "Arial")
dateFormatZoneId = "Asia/Seoul"
public class PurchaseOrderTemplate {
name = "Order",
index = 0,
columnWidths = {
@ColumnWidth(column = 0, width = 25)
defaultColumnWidth = 20,
defaultRowHeightInPoints = 20
private OrderSheet sheet;
attribute | type | default | description |
name | String | None(Required) | sheet name |
index | int | None((Required)) | sheet index |
protect | boolean | false | sheet protect or not |
protectKey | String | Empty String | sheet protect key |
columnWidths | Array of @ColumnWidth | Empty | Specific column width |
defaultRowHeightInPoints | int | 20 | Default row height of sheet |
defaultColumnWidth | int | 20 | Default column width of sheet |
defaultStyle | @CellStyle | @Excel.defaultStyle | Default cell style of sheet |
The sample of OrderSheet.
public class OrderSheet {
row = 0,
defaultStyle = @CellStyle(
font = @Font(fontHeightInPoints = 20)
heightInPoints = 40
TitleRow titleRow;
row = 2,
match = Match.REQUIRED,
headers = {
@Header(name = "VENDOR", mappings = {"vendorTitle", "vendorValue"}),
@Header(name = "SHIP TO", mappings = {"toTitle", "toValue"})
headerStyle = @CellStyle(
font = @Font(color = IndexedColors.WHITE),
fillForegroundColor = IndexedColors.DARK_BLUE,
fillPattern = FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND
List<InfoRow> infoTable;
rowAfter = "infoTable",
rowAfterOffset = 1,
match = Match.REQUIRED,
headers = {
@Header(name = "REQUESTER", mappings = {"requester"}),
@Header(name = "SHIP VIA", mappings = {"via"}),
@Header(name = "F.O.B", mappings = {"fob"}),
@Header(name = "SHIPPING TERMS", mappings = {"terms"}),
@Header(name = "DELIVERY DATE", mappings = {"deliveryDate"})
headerStyle = @CellStyle(
font = @Font(color = IndexedColors.WHITE),
fillForegroundColor = IndexedColors.DARK_BLUE,
fillPattern = FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND
dataStyle = @CellStyle(
borderTop = BorderStyle.THIN,
borderBottom = BorderStyle.THIN,
borderLeft = BorderStyle.THIN,
borderRight = BorderStyle.THIN
List<ShipRow> shipTable;
rowAfter = "shipTable",
rowAfterOffset = 1,
match = Match.REQUIRED,
headers = {
@Header(name = "ITEM", mappings = {"name"}),
@Header(name = "DESCRIPTION", mappings = {"description"}),
@Header(name = "QTY", mappings = {"qty"}),
@Header(name = "UNIT PRICE", mappings = {"unitPrice"}),
@Header(name = "TOTAL", mappings = {"total"})
headerStyle = @CellStyle(
font = @Font(color = IndexedColors.WHITE),
fillForegroundColor = IndexedColors.DARK_BLUE,
fillPattern = FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND
dataStyle = @CellStyle(
borderTop = BorderStyle.THIN,
borderBottom = BorderStyle.THIN,
borderLeft = BorderStyle.THIN,
borderRight = BorderStyle.THIN
List<ItemRow> itemTable;
@Row(rowAfter = "itemTable")
SummaryRow summaryRow;
attribute | type | default | description |
row | int | 0 | Index of row |
rowAfter | String | Empty String | If it is not empty, it is placed after a specific row. You can specify the row field name of the sheet model. |
rowAfterOffset | int | 0 | If rowAfter is specified, it is offset from the specified row. |
heightInPoints | int | @Sheet.defaultRowHeightInPoints | Specified row height. |
defaultStyle | @CellStyle | @Sheet.defaultStyle | Default cell style of row |
@Datarows should be annotated in List.class. (Other collection class not supported yet.)
attribute | type | default | description |
row | int | 0 | Index of row |
rowAfter | String | Empty String | If it is not empty, it is placed after a end of specific row. You can specify the row field name of the sheet model. |
rowAfterOffset | int | 0 | If rowAfter is specified, it is offset from the specified row. |
headerHeightInPoints | int | @Sheet.defaultRowHeightInPoints | Specified header row height. |
headerStyle | @CellStyle | @Sheet.defaultStyle | Default cell style of header row |
headers | Array of @Header | Empty | Array of Headers |
arrayHeaders | Array of @ArrayHeader | Empty | Array of ArrayHeaders |
hideHeader | boolean | false | Whether hide headers or not |
dataHeightInPoints | int | @Sheet.defaultRowHeightInPoints | Specified data row height. |
dataStyle | @CellStyle | @Sheet.defaultStyle | Default cell style of data row |
match | Match | Match.ALL | DataRow recognition condition when converting Excel to model |
Row recognition condition when converting Excel to model.
option | description |
ALL | All column values must exist to be recognized as DataRow. |
REQUIRED | If only the value of the column annotated with @Cell.required exists, it is recognized as DataRow. |
STOP_ON_BLANK | It is recognized as a data row until it encounters a blank row. |
attribute | type | default | description |
column | int | 0 | Index of column |
cols | int | 1 | The number of columns to be merged |
columnAfter | String | Empty String | If it is not empty, it is placed after a end of specific cell. You can specify the cell field name of the row model. |
columnAfterOffset | int | 0 | If columnAfter is specified, it is offset from the specified cell. |
cellType | CellType | None(Required) | CellType of cell |
ignoreParse | boolean | false | When converting Excel to Model, do not bind values. |
required | boolean | false | Required value when converting Excel to Model. See Match |
headers | Array of @Header | Empty | Array of Headers |
style | @CellStyle | @Row.defaultStyle, @DataRows.defaultStyle | cell style |
attribute | type | default | description |
column | int | 0 | Index of column |
cols | int | 1 | The number of columns to be merged |
columnAfter | String | Empty String | If it is not empty, it is placed after a end of specific cell. You can specify the cell field name of the row model. |
columnAfterOffset | int | 0 | If columnAfter is specified, it is offset from the specified cell. |
cellType | CellType | None(Required) | CellType of cell |
ignoreParse | boolean | false | When converting Excel to Model, do not bind values. |
required | boolean | false | Required value when converting Excel to Model. See Match |
headers | Array of @Header | Empty | Array of Headers |
style | @CellStyle | @Row.defaultStyle, @DataRows.defaultStyle | cell style |
size | int | 0 | The size of the array cells. When reading or writing cells, only the size is applied. You can resize dynamically at runtime by referring to the following documentation:The size of the array cells. When reading or writing cells, only the size is applied. You can resize dynamically at runtime by referring to the following documentation |
This is the CellType enums. If the model class does not match CellType, it will not be converted.
option | Matching Java Class | description |
NONE | Any | When creating Excel, do not assign a specific cell type to the cell. |
STRING | String | - |
NUMERIC | Double,Float,Long,Short,BigDecimal,BigInteger,Integer | - |
BLANK | None | When creating an Excel, it becomes an empty cell, and the value is not converted when reading the Excel. |
BOOLEAN | Boolean | - |
DATE | LocalDate,LocalDateTime | - |
FORMULA | String | You can use the FormulaAddressExpression to write native formulas in Excel with specific cell locations in the model. |
It is an expression that converts a specific cell location in the model to an Excel address such as (A1,B2....)
Only addresses within the same sheet can be converted.
expression | example | description |
{{rowFiledName.cellFieldName}} | titleRow.title | If titleRow's row is 0 and title's column is 0, return A1 |
{{rowFiledName[last].cellFieldName}} | itemTable[last].total | Works only in DataRows. If itemTable's end row is 15 and total's column is 5, return F16. See SummaryRow sample |
{{rowFiledName[Number].cellFieldName}} | itemTable[0].total | Works only in DataRows. If itemTable's start row is 13 and total's column is 5, return F14. See SummaryRow sample |
{{rowFiledName.cellFieldName[last]}} | itemTable.qty[last] | Works only in ArrayCell. See Dynamic Array Cell sample |
{{rowFiledName.cellFieldName[Number]}} | itemTable.qty[0] | Works only in ArrayCell. See Dynamic Array Cell sample |
{{this.cellFieldName}} | this.qty | Works only in DataRows. expression this means cell's current row. If the qty's current row is 13 and qty's coumn is 3, return D14. See ItemRow sample |
The samples of row model includes cells.
public class TitleRow {
column = 0,
cols = 6,
cellType = CellType.STRING,
ignoreParse = true
private String title = "PURCHASE ORDER";
public class InfoRow {
column = 0,
cellType = CellType.STRING
private String vendorTitle;
column = 1,
cols = 2,
cellType = CellType.STRING,
required = true
private String vendorValue;
column = 3,
cellType = CellType.STRING
private String toTitle;
column = 4,
cols = 2,
cellType = CellType.STRING,
required = true
private String toValue;
public class ShipRow {
column = 0,
cellType = CellType.STRING
private String requester;
column = 1,
cellType = CellType.STRING
private String via;
column = 2,
cellType = CellType.STRING
private String fob;
column = 3,
cols = 2,
cellType = CellType.STRING
private String terms;
column = 5,
cellType = CellType.DATE,
style = @CellStyle(dataFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"),
required = true
private LocalDate deliveryDate;
public class ItemRow {
column = 0,
cellType = CellType.STRING,
required = true
private String name;
column = 1,
cols = 2,
cellType = CellType.STRING,
required = true
private String description;
column = 3,
cellType = CellType.NUMERIC,
required = true
private long qty;
column = 4,
cellType = CellType.NUMERIC,
style = @CellStyle(dataFormat = "#,##0.00"),
required = true
private BigDecimal unitPrice;
column = 5,
cellType = CellType.FORMULA,
style = @CellStyle(
dataFormat = "#,##0.00",
fillForegroundColor = IndexedColors.GREY_25_PERCENT,
fillPattern = FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND
ignoreParse = true
private String total = "product({{this.qty}},{{this.unitPrice}})";
public class SummaryRow {
column = 4,
cellType = CellType.STRING,
ignoreParse = true
private String title = "SUBTOTAL";
column = 5,
cellType = CellType.FORMULA,
style = @CellStyle(
fillForegroundColor = IndexedColors.AQUA,
fillPattern = FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND
ignoreParse = true
private String formula = "SUM({{itemTable[0].total}}:{{itemTable[last].total}})";
attribute | type | default | description |
font | @Font | @Font | font of cell |
dataFormat | String | General | DataFormat of cell. See BuiltinFormats. |
In addition to BuiltinFormats, you can also use generic dateFormats (such as yyyy.MM.dd). | |||
hidden | boolean | false | whether the cell's using this style are to be hidden |
locked | boolean | false | whether the cell's using this style are to be locked |
quotePrefixed | boolean | false | Is "Quote Prefix" or "123 Prefix" enabled for the cell |
alignment | HorizontalAlignment | GENERAL | the type of horizontal alignment for the cell |
wrapText | boolean | false | whether the text should be wrapped |
verticalAlignment | VerticalAlignment | BOTTOM | the type of vertical alignment for the cell |
rotation | short | 0 | the degree of rotation for the text in the cell. |
indention | short | 0 | the number of spaces to indent the text in the cell. |
borderLeft | BorderStyle | NONE | the type of border to use for the left border of the cell |
borderRight | BorderStyle | NONE | the type of border to use for the right border of the cell |
borderTop | BorderStyle | NONE | the type of border to use for the top border of the cell |
borderBottom | BorderStyle | NONE | the type of border to use for the bottom border of the cell |
leftBorderColor | IndexedColors | AUTOMATIC | the color to use for the left border |
rightBorderColor | IndexedColors | AUTOMATIC | the color to use for the right border |
topBorderColor | IndexedColors | AUTOMATIC | the color to use for the top border |
bottomBorderColor | IndexedColors | AUTOMATIC | the color to use for the bottom border |
fillPattern | FillPatternType | NO_FILL | the fill pattern |
fillBackgroundColor | IndexedColors | AUTOMATIC | the background fill color |
fillForegroundColor | IndexedColors | AUTOMATIC | the foreground fill color |
shrinkToFit | boolean | false | Should the Cell be auto-sized by Excel to shrink it to fit if this text is too long |
attribute | type | default | description |
fontName | String | Arial | the name for the font |
fontHeightInPoints | short | 10 | the font height |
italic | boolean | false | whether to use italics or not |
strikeout | boolean | false | whether to use a strikeout horizontal line through the text or not |
color | IndexedColors | AUTOMATIC | the color for the font |
typeOffset | short | 0 | 0 = NONE, 1 = SUPER, 2 = SUB |
underline | short | 0 | type of text underlining to use. 0 = NONE, 1 = SINGLE, 2 = DOUBLE, SINGLE_ACCOUNTING = 0x21, DOUBLE_ACCOUNTING = 0x22 |
charSet | int | 0 | 0 = ANSI_CHARSET, 1 = DEFAULT_CHARSET, 2 = SYMBOL_CHARSET |
bold | boolean | false | whether to use bold or not |
attribute | type | default | description |
mappings | Array of String | Empty | These are the cell field names of the datarow to be mapped. |
style | @CellStyle | @DataRows.defaultStyle | cell style |
attribute | type | default | description |
mapping | Array of String | Empty | The cell field name of the datarow to be mapped. |
style | @CellStyle | @DataRows.defaultStyle | cell style |
simpleNameExpression | String | {{index}} | Simply indicate the header name of the array cell using the provided index string. YAt runtime, you can use a separate expression class to express more specific values |
attribute | type | default | description |
column | int | None(Required) | column index of sheet |
width | int | None(Required) | column width |
Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004
If you find a bug or want to improve the function, please create a github issue.
Any other questions:
Author Seungpil Park, Megazone Inc.