- This is a social media website named WeConnect made by 2 friends Meet Turakhia and Meet Shah.
- Meet Turakhia - https://github.com/Meet-Turakhia
- Meet Shah - https://github.com/meet08062000
- It is made using django(python's web framework).
- Tools Used:-
- Python
- Django
- CSS3
- PostgreSQL
- Post interesting posts with support for videos, gifs and images.
- like, comment, bookmark posts.
- follow, unfollow system.
- system register/login as well as option for google sign in.
- profile page.
- One can fork this project and use it as a base of your next project but copying it would be illegal, the project is protected by General Public License, version 3(GPLv3).
- Under the license, one cannot remove this Readme too and have to give credit to original authors Meet Turakhia and Meet Shah in their project which uses this project as base.(Read the license file in repository for more information).