This is a E-Classroom made in php with college hierarchy which executes all CRUD and many SQL commands. Made while learning WDL(Web Development Lab) in Third Year of B.E. Computer Engineering.
- CSS3
- Bootstrap 4
- Javascript
- JQuery
- An advanced login system which provides secret code feature to register as Admin, Teacher or HOD.
- Viewer login is available to all.
- Teacher can create classes of different subjects and belonging to different branches, they can also add students to classes.
- If the student already exists in some other class then they can use preexisting feature to add them without giving their details but by just selecting their email id from select menu.
- HOD can create classes of their own branch and can manage the classes of their branch created by various teachers.
- Admin can manage all the created classes.
- Viewer can only view all the classes.
- Teachers,HOD, Admin can make announcements.
- Students can comment on those announcements.
- Fully working data integrity between all users and all type of users.
- import the given studentportal.sql file in your XAMPP server.
- status codes(secret code used while logging in) will all be present in the database, feel free to change them as your wishes.
- By default some branches would be present in database to feel free to add or delete them(this and above step can only be done in XAMPP).
- now you can simply run the studentportal using XAMPP.
- remember during register you will require status code from status code table in database to regsiter as HOD, Admin or Teacher.
- Now the project should be up and running.
- Meet Turakhia:-