A utility to help you manage your Mezzmo local trailer files.
- Read current You Tube movie trailer information from the Mezzmo database
- Movie trailers can be fetched by newest, oldest, movie name or movie number
- Track movies which have local trailers, which don't and last checked time
- Download high quality trailers from You Tube and IMDB for local playback
- Fast You Tube and IMDB download speeds with daily limit setting
- Detect You Tube trailers which cannot be downloaded and marks them "Bad"
- Automatically remove bad trailers from Mezzmo
- Automatically normalize and trim the You Tube and IMDB trailers names
- User selectable feature of 480P, 720P or 1080P quality trailers (if available, otherwise best quality available)
- Option to set the maximum duration of trailers
- Automatically move trailers to designated location (i.e. NAS, local disk etc.)
- Option for automatically locking the Mezzmo metadata to avoid overriding trailer information
- Option for how many movies to check in each batch run of the Mezzmo Trailer Checker (1-20)
- Option to limit how many trailers per movie (1-20)
- Option to order trailers by size
- Option for supporting prefer local trailer capability to allow You Tube trailers for Mezzmo web interface
- Option to automatically adjust / standardize trailer frame rates
- Option to automatically adjust trailer audio level
- Hardware encoding acceleration to improve speed
- Option to prefer official trailers
- Option for only local trailers
- Check feature to update trailer size, resolution and duration after manual trailer changes
- Added checks for missing trailer files and trailer files with invalid names
- Show and delete orphaned local trailer files with do not have a Mezzmo database trailer entry - Mew
- Full detailed logfile
- Full Trailer checker statistics
- CSV export of trailer information, checker history and movies in the Mezzmo DB without trailers
- Command line backups of Mezzmo Trailer Checker database
- User ability to clear trailer information by movie name, database number or status
- Download the Mezzmo Trailer Checker release zipfile
- Unzip file into an empty folder on your system
- Ensure you have Python installed on Windows. Minimum version 3.x
- Edit the config.text file with the location of your Mezzmo database and trailer folder.
- Open a command window and run trailer_checker.py
See optional command line arguments below. - Recommended usage sequence is:
- run trailer_checker.py sync
- run trailer_checker.py trailer
- run trailer_checker.py check
- run trailer_checker.py csv trailer
- review CSV file which has a complete listing of Mezzmo trailers
- trailer - Runs the trailer checker normally starting with the first movie in the Mezzmo database.
- trailer new - Runs the trailer checker normally starting with the newest movie in the Mezzmo database.
- trailer name - Runs trailer checker for movie name (i.e. trailer name "Christmas Vacation" )
- trailer number - Runs trailer checker for movie number (i.e. trailer number 1215)
- sync - Syncs the Mezzmo Trailer Checker to the Mezzmo database without fetching any trailers.
- csv trailer - Creates a CSV file with the trailer information in the Mezzmo Trailer Checker
- csv history - Creates a CSV file with the history information in the Mezzmo Trailer Checker
- csv notrail - Creates a CSV file with a listing of all movies in the Mezzmo database with no trailers
- check - Updates missing trailer duration, size or resolution information in the Checker database
- check new - Updates and overwrites trailer duration, size and resolution fields in Checker database
- adjust frame - Adjust trailers by current frame rate (i.e. adjust frame 25)
- adjust number - Adjust trailers by movie number or range (i.e. adjust movie 1 or adjust movie 1 10)
- stats - Generates summary statistics for trailers
- stats frame - Generates frame rate summary statistics for local trailers
- show - Generates a listing of all Mezzmo trailers with an error status
- show name - Displays trailer information for movie name (i.e. show name "Christmas Vacation" )
- show number - Displays trailer information for movie number (i.e. show number 1215)
- show files - Displays orphaned local trailer files which do not have a Mezzmo database trailer entry
- clean name - Clears trailer database information for movie name (i.e. clean name "Christmas Vacation" )
- clean number - Clears trailer database information for movie number (i.e. clean number 1215)
- clean bad - Clears trailer database information for trailers with Bad status
- clean long - Clears trailer database information for trailers with Long status
- clean files - Deletes orphaned local trailer files which do not have a Mezzmo database trailer entry
- backup - Creates a time stamped file name backup of the Mezzmo Trailer Checker database
The CSV export utility currently requires Python version 3.
See the latest updates on the Mezzmo Trailer wiki.