First yo make sure that you dont have docker descktop and docker cli in you computer.
If you have installed, remove it 🗑.
Then, you need install virtualbox, vagrant and docker-compose.
brew install virtualbox
brew install vagrant
brew install docker
brew install docker-compose
When you run any vagrant command, vagrant looking for the first Vagrantfile it can find, starting in the current directory until it find it in previus folders.
For Example:
# First try to find in current directory 🧐
# If it don't find it continue to find in the previous folder 🙄
# keep going 😔
# keep going 🤨
# At last it find here and read this file 🥳
Inside the repo run vagrant up
(this command read Vagrantfile and create the VM and install packages in your new VM)
## Test docker in your VM Docker Engine and Docker CLI should be working inside the VM now. Let's test it.
vagrant ssh
docker run hello-world
If you need install other packges you can add put in. (If you added new packages in Vagrantfile you need run vagrant reload
, it mount again the VM)
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
Maybe you need sync project that need docker, put in this line for sync it. (It should be the same route)
config.vm.synced_folder "MY_LOCAL_PROJECT", "MY_PROJECT_IN_VM"
If you need copy files in some path of VM, you can use
config.vm.provision "file", source: "MY_LOCAL_FILE", destination: "MY_LOCAL_FILE_IN_VM"
Also you can expose ports in your VM: "forwarded_port", guest: 9230, host: 9230
Add in your .bashrc or .zshrc
Configure Docker CLI to use the Vagrant VM
export DOCKER_HOST=ssh://vagrant@
Add the Vagrant ssh key to the host known keys.
ssh-add --apple-use-keychain [ROUTE_OF_YOUR_VAGRANT_PROJECT]/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key
run docker run hello-world
(outside of your VM).
In case that you have an error in the output of this command, try running the command specified in the message, for example:
ssh -l vagrant -p 2222 -- docker system dial-stdio
You can install @maxigarcia/vagrant-cli to handle vagrantfiles.
npm i -g @maxigarcia/vagrant-cli
# How use it
# You can load existing vagrantfile for you use it to up, down or connect by ssh.
# When you have vagrantfile loaded you can choose one to up, down or connect by ssh.
Go to preference, search docker and in Docker: Host
put ssh://vagrant@
(the same value that you use in the variable DOCKER_HOST)
# Create or turn on the VM
vagrant up
# Stop vm
vagrant suspend
# Reload VM
vagrant reload
# Delete VM
vagrant destroy