Simple Solar System visualization school-project using Java's LWJGL.
Edit : Now this is SpaceWar using LWJGL!!
P.S. This is a link redirect to YouTube. Just click this man lol.
Credit: Ikari Gendo, Neon Genesis Evangelion
More information is available (including the keybindings) in the GitHub Wiki for this Repo.
We recommend using Amazon Coretto JDK 18
The easiest way is using JetBrain's Intellij Idea and clone this repo.
Please note that we highly recommend the use of dedicated graphic card.
The application uses tons of graphic resources.
Even though this is a school-project, contributions are welcomed ! 😊
This projects uses Maven to manage all Dependencies.
Please note that this is originally a school-project and bad / smell code writings are to be expected.
As for how each object were made, you can check this document out: Laporan Proyek.