This repository is a school assignement. This project is developped by Matthieu d'Hoop and Clément Dauriat.
The project is to develop a front-end app that displays :
- a navigation bar with
- a link to products list
- a link to users list
- a link to orders list
- a contact form
List are loaded from static json files stored in the backend. Each list enables a click to a detail screen, showing the details of :
- a product
- a user
- an order
Contact form enables to enter an email and a message, with a button to send the message (an alert or a modal will be displayed with the content entered).
Project has to be done individually or by pair.
Front-end will be built using Angular.
An additional CSS lib can be used for a better design, but it is not mandatory.
The expected deliverable will be a Git repo or a zip of your source code, with all your source files.
Send the URL of the Git repo or the zip by mail to your teacher thanks to Mootse.
Please send it for date 11/11 at 23:59.